A Cuban living in Europe lists the things he has not been able to adapt to

A Cuban in Belgium shares the things that, after five years, he still has not been able to overcome.

Leaving your country to start a new life somewhere else is not easy. Apart from leaving behind family and friends, it can be challenging to adapt to the new customs of the place you live in... At least that's how it goes for many, like a Cuban living in Belgium who made a list of the things he hasn't been able to adapt to after 5 years living in Europe.

In his TikTok profile, Armando Álvarez (@a.alvarez95) talked about the things he has not been able to adapt to in his life in Europe, starting with the music, continuing with the smells, and ending with the difficulty of forming close bonds.

In the first position on his list, Armando placed music. "Still, despite 5 years, I have not been able to adapt. It's complicated. I feel that the music here is pop-house and it's not for me. I miss the more lively music and feeling the musical adrenaline. You will play it in your home [Cuban music] many times," he commented about music.

This Cuban continued his list by commenting on the topic of smells. "I'm sorry, it's a taboo subject, but it's quite unpleasant. We come from a Caribbean heat, from the heat, from the tropics, and those smells are not felt. Working in a place where you have contact with a lot of people can be overwhelming," he added.

As number three, this depends on each person's experience, but creating bonds. Achieving those bonds that you could have achieved in your country, even though you try to get involved, the bonds will be difficult to create. I have spoken with several people, and there are many things that will impact this," said this Cuban.

What is your opinion?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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Izabela Pecherska

Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.