Garbage invades a church in Central Havana: "It is causing illnesses".

The Cuban government stops collecting the equivalent of three Olympic-sized swimming pools of garbage every day in Havana. The unsanitary conditions in the country are growing alarmingly.

Basura en iglesia de La Habana © Facebook Lester Rafael Zayas Díaz
Trash in a church in Havana.Photo © Facebook Lester Rafael Zayas Díaz

The parish priest Lester Rafael Zayas Díaz denounced the unsanitary conditions that the church of San Judas and San Nicolás in Centro Habana is facing, where the population daily dumps trash on the sidewalk and the street, but the government does not collect the waste.

The health situation facing this community due to the uncontrolled accumulation of garbage is alarming. In his statements, the priest emphasized the "neglect and indifference" in addressing this serious problem, describing it as a "lack of respect for healthy coexistence".

Facebook Lester Rafael Zayas Díaz

Father Zayas described the current situation of the church and its surroundings as "unbearable," pointing out that pollution is causing illnesses in a large part of Central Havana.

"I am very concerned about the health situation... and the church's situation, it's getting worse. The side entrance is blocked, now the front one is at risk, they are already dumping garbage there, we feel powerless. There is garbage on all sides. High temperatures, the smell, and hundreds of flies are a serious public health concern," declared the priest of that community.

Facebook Lester Rafael Zayas Díaz.

The images shared by Father Zayas show a growing rubbish dump next to the walls of the church, in the middle of the street, and in front of the doors of dozens of families.

The situation is representative of a larger problem that not only affects Centro Habana, but the entire city and, according to reports, other provinces in the country.

A Cuba Siglo 21 study warns that Havana has become a "critical focus of health insecurity" due to the proliferation of street-level dumps. The regime fails to collect in the capital every day the equivalent of three Olympic swimming pools of garbage.

This situation favors the presence of rats and mosquitoes, and the increase of diseases such as dengue and leptospirosis. Additionally, urban landfills are prone to fires due to the production of methane gas.

The accumulation of garbage not only affects public health but also the real estate value of neighborhoods. According to the report "Havana, capital of waste" by Cuba Siglo 21, the degradation of these areas reflects a crisis in coexistence standards and increases the criminal potential of the community.

According to studies, this situation is also linked to the increase in crime in the capital of the country.

Father Lester Rafael Zayas Díaz's complaint highlights the urgency of an effective response from the authorities to address this serious problem that affects the quality of life of the residents of Centro Habana and other regions of Cuba.

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