Cuban woman feels ashamed and discriminates against Cubans who commit crimes: "We may all be going hungry, but we are not the same."

A Cuban resident in the United States spoke out on TikTok about her shame towards fellow countrymen who commit crimes.

A Cuban from the United States defended herself against the comments she received after stating that "she doesn't enjoy acting Cuban." "It's a shame that you discriminate against your countrymen, in the end we all suffer the same hunger, sorry," a TikTok user replied to this statement. A message to which the Cuban, who identifies herself as @hemi_hf, responded in another video where she explained the reason behind this phrase.

"We all experience the same hunger and the same work, but we are not the same. And yes, I do discriminate and I am ashamed every time it comes out in the news that a group of Cubans were caught stealing, scamming, or, in short, breaking the law. Because everyone pays for one, and then all Cubans get a bad reputation. That's why I'm very proud to be Cuban, I have it tattooed on my arm," commented this Cuban before showing the tattoo on her arm.

Despite the criticism this Cuban woman from Orlando received, after hearing her explanation behind her words, many agreed with her.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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