Cuban advises those about to arrive in the United States: "I'm going to give you a tip to save you time and money."

Cuban on TikTok warns: "If you were used to not working in Cuba and making money by living off tricks, it’s not like that here."

In a recent TikTok video, a Cuban has shared a strong message for those considering emigrating to the United States. Her advice is particularly aimed at those who claim to be "millionaires" in Cuba and think they will be able to maintain that lifestyle abroad.

"If you're one of those who say that in Cuba you were a millionaire, that you had a car, a house, and everything, and you think about coming to the United States to live on stories, let me tell you it's better to turn back," begins Daniela Rodríguez (@dianelarodrgz) in the video. The Cuban woman assures that many of those people end up returning to Cuba after just two months in the United States.

"I'm saying this from experience, because I saw it up close. Here, you have to work and start from scratch. If you were used to not working in Cuba and making money living off tricks, it's not like that here. If you are on your way or planning to come, turn around. Let's spare the work of the people who work at American Airlines," he concludes.

Her message highlights the harsh reality that many immigrants face upon arriving in the United States, debunking the idea that one can have an easy life without effort, and many users agreed with the words of this Cuban woman.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

Do you have anything to report? Write to CiberCuba: +1 786 3965 689

Izabela Pecherska

Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.