Grateful Cuban for her life in the United States: "There are people in Cuba who don't have access to drinking water or air conditioning."

TikToker compares life in Cuba and in the United States and invites reflection.

A Cuban living in Mexico shared her joy over the purchase of a simple fan, an item that is taken for granted in many places. She shared this on TikTok, capturing the attention of a Cuban in the United States, who upon seeing her compatriot's happiness reflected on the comforts and resources that many enjoy daily without even noticing.

"Sometimes we are rich and don't realize it. With so many things and resources we have in this country, people sometimes don't value or even notice them. I remember when I lived in Cuba and we didn't have food. We ate rice and beans and spent a week eating the same thing. Here in the USA, you have the food you want; you have it all, and all those simple things go unnoticed," commented Lisandra Morales (who identifies as @lisandra_morales) in her video, in which she reflects on the appreciation and value of the simple and essential things in life.

After observing the genuine joy from something as simple as a fan from the Cuban girl, she said: "We need to be more aware. That girl had a joy that was evident in her soul, and we have that every day; we have air conditioning, we have drinking water, and there are people in Cuba who don't even have that," she said. Thus, she emphasizes the importance of appreciating the daily comforts that many take for granted.

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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