A bus crashes into a classic car in a dramatic accident in Havana.

The accident occurred on Calzada de Diez de Octubre, a narrow street but with heavy traffic.

A bus that was traveling this Tuesday on Calzada de Diez de Octubre in Havana collided with a "almendrón" on the side and caused minor damage to other vehicles waiting for the green light at the busy and dangerous Toyo Corner.

The condition of the occupants of the almendrón, which received a strong impact on the left side, is unknown, although apparently there were no serious injuries.

Facebook/Accidents Buses & Trucks

A short video posted in the Facebook group Accidentes Buses & Camiones showed that the impact against the almendrón coming from the opposite lane was so strong that the bus even had red paint stains on it.

Facebook/Accidents Buses & Trucks

"The bus was coming down and overtaking from the right lane in its direction of travel. It hit the vehicles that were waiting in line at the traffic light from behind, and then it went into the opposite lane and hit the red light," commented a witness in the mentioned Facebook group.

"I was in the green car that the bus hit from behind. Fortunately, I only had minor injuries," said Rodney González.

Facebook/Accidents Buses & Trucks

Another witness who claimed to have passed through the area after the accident stated that there were no fatalities and that "the driver" was fine.

According to that testimony, the bus driver claimed that he had no brakes, and that would have been the reason why he collided with the vehicles waiting for the green light and ended up crashing into the "almendrón."

Facebook Capture/The Scissors

As of the closure of this note, no further details about the incident have emerged, considered minor given that in recent weeks there has been a rising number of serious accidents throughout the country, many of them resulting in fatalities.

In one of the most recent cases, seven people were injured, one of them in critical condition after the collision on Monday between a truck from a Mipyme and a vintage car on the Central Highway, near Ciego de Ávila.

This Wednesday, a motorcyclist died after colliding with a van at the intersection of 41 and 30, in the Havana municipality of Playa, in Havana.

Although the population perceives an increase in traffic accidents in recent months, Cuban authorities stated at the beginning of this month that in the first half of 2024, 543 fewer incidents were recorded in the country compared to the same period of the previous year.

In the official television program Mesa Redonda, Colonel Roberto Rodríguez Fernández, head of the Specialized Traffic Body of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT), also reported that there were 81 fewer deaths (23%) and a reduction of 151 injured (5%) between January and June of this year, compared to the same period in 2023.

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