A Cuban elderly man dies after being run over, and that same day his house is robbed.

After the old man's death, they looted his home.

La guagua que atropelló al anciano © Collage Facebook/La Tijera
The bus that hit the elderly manPhoto © Collage Facebook/La Tijera

An elderly man was killed on Saturday when he was hit by a bus on the highway from Bayamo to Las Tunas, near the town of San Joaquín, in the Granma province, according to reports on social media.

The circumstances surrounding the death of the elderly person have not been disclosed, although it appears that they may have been hit while crossing the street.

Photos shared on the Facebook profile La Tijera show how the windshield of the bus was cracked, apparently as a result of the impact, as well as a yellow tape placed by the authorities to mark the scene of the tragic event.

Facebook capture/The Scissors

The crime reporter, Niover Licea, identified the victim as Yoel Licea Ortiz and specified - citing the testimony of the victim's relatives - that the same night the elderly man died, there was a robbery at the house where he lived.

"His family demands justice and that those responsible be brought to trial," concluded Licea, who emphasized the lack of sensitivity that is evident in looting the home of a recently deceased person.

Up until the closure of this note, there are no other details about what happened.

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