Single Cuban mother in Houston: "Living in a trailer is not disgraceful"

A single Cuban mother in Houston shows the trailer she lived in when she arrived in the United States.

A Cuban resident in Houston has touched hundreds of people on TikTok by sharing an emotional video where she shows the trailer in which she lived when she arrived in the United States. In her message, the woman (who identifies herself as @la.bebe0780) explains how her first home in the country was a small trailer that, although not luxurious, provided her and her 6-year-old son with all the necessary comforts.

"Living in a trailer is no disgrace. I arrived in this country pregnant and with a 6-year-old child. And my first home here was this little trailer. It wasn't the most luxurious, but it had all the comforts I needed for myself and my child," she comments in the video. Despite receiving criticism from people who said she moved to the United States to live in a trailer, the Cuban woman assures that she didn't care, as she came to the country to fight and get ahead.

During the five months she lived in the trailer, the woman found the peace and refuge she needed. "There I gave birth to my girl. Although I no longer live there, I will never mind saying that was where I started in this country. What matters is not where you live but the goals and purposes you have to move forward," she adds.

Currently, she lives in a much better place, but she is not ashamed to admit that her beginnings were in a trailer. Her message is clear and encouraging for other Cubans in a similar situation: "Don’t be ashamed if your beginnings are in a trailer or not. Remember that it doesn’t matter where you are living; what’s important is what you have in your heart and the goals you have set. I am a single mother of a 6-year-old boy and a 2-month-old baby, and if I have been able to fight and move forward to give them something better, you can too. It’s all about setting a goal and being clear about what you came to this country for. Forget what people say and take your own path. Remember that it doesn’t matter if you live in a trailer; with the twists and turns of life, if God wills it, you will have a mansion. So always keep pushing forward."

"I have lived in one since I arrived and I am happy, little by little, one day at a time," "Having a roof is blessed," "Thank God you had a home," "You are a warrior, blessings for you and your babies," or "I am thinking of going to live in one, your words helped me," are some of the reactions to this video.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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