Animal protector dies amid the shortage of hospital supplies in Cuba.

Raisa Núñez had been a protector for over 40 years. She turned her home into a shelter for more than 60 animals.

Raisa Núñez © Facebook/Ariamna Alonso
Raisa NúñezPhoto © Facebook/Ariamna Alonso

The animal protector Raisa Núñez passed away this Saturday in Havana, after several months of hospitalization, amid complaints about the lack of medications and supplies at the Calixto García Hospital.

“Today, after 2 or 3 months in hospitals, and without a defined diagnosis yet, due to the deficiencies and shortcomings in hospitals and human care, Mrs. Raisa dies at the Calixto García Clinical Surgical Hospital,” reported the Facebook user who identifies as Michi Pichi.

Facebook Capture/Michi Pichi

The case of this elderly woman was already known on social media, thanks to the Facebook user who had reported the shortage of medical supplies to address her situation.

"I must certainly say that the medical staff is doing what they can with what they have, I repeat, but it is not enough. There is nothing in Cuban hospitals. It is sad, very sad to see," stated this Cuban in a May post.

Facebook Capture/Michi Pichi

In that post, she mentioned that the shelter had a spoon stolen from it at the hospital. “Raisa is blind, thanks to a friend of mine we were able to get her another one, because I live very, very far away; the spiritual misery of some Cubans knows no end.”

In addition, she reported that Raisa was "suffering from horrible heat" because she didn't have a fan.

Capture from Facebook/Ariamna Alonso

Among other problems, for the activist it was difficult to "go to the bathroom" because she couldn't see anything, adding that she felt "extremely fatigued" from anemia.

Raisa Núñez had been a protector for over 40 years. She turned her home into a shelter for more than 60 animals.

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