They report the death of a common prisoner in Camagüey prison.

The epidemiological situation in Cuban prisons is worsening. The Cuban Observatory of Human Rights reports the death of an inmate and the terrible conditions in the penitentiary facilities.

Cárcel cubana (referencial) © Internet
Cuban prison (referential)Photo © Internet

The Cuban Observatory of Human Rights (OCDH) reported the death of a prisoner in Cuba due to a virus and physical and psychological mistreatment suffered by the inmate at the hands of his jailers.

"On July 31, the common inmate Ariel López La Torre, 36 years old, passed away in the number 6 section of the provincial prison of Kilo 7, located in the province of Camagüey," said OCDH on the social network X.

The inmate had asked the prison officials to fulfill his right to the minimum sentence, but it was denied.

OCDH also highlighted the critical hygienic-epidemiological situation in the Ariza prison, in the province of Cienfuegos. In that facility, infections from various diseases are being reported, in addition to the lack of necessary medical resources to care for the inmates.

Among the most common diseases are dengue, Oropouche virus, scabies, digestive viruses, and tuberculosis. Doctors report that they do not have enough medications to care for the prisoners, nor do they isolate them when they are sick, which leads to increased contagion.

On several occasions, the OCDH has received complaints from inmates in various prisons across the country, who report inadequate medical assistance, lack of medications, poor food quality, and irregularities in the Cuban prison system.

These reports highlight the vulnerability and neglect that inmates in the island's penitentiary institutions suffer.

The non-governmental organization Cubalex has launched a practical guide aimed at the families of prisoners to protect rights in prison. The initiative provides useful tools in a context where justice and respect for human rights are constantly challenged.

Cubalex reported that in the last two years, 56 deaths of individuals in the custody of Cuban authorities have been reported. Violence is the main cause of death in these cases.

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