The waiting list terminal in Havana is full of bedbugs and lacks transportation.

The crisis of state transportation in Cuba severely affects travelers at terminals like "La Villanueva" in Havana, and there are no solutions in sight.

Terminal de Lista de Espera en La Habana © Facebook Yosmany Mayeta Labrada
Waiting List Terminal in HavanaPhoto © Facebook Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

The crisis of state transportation in Cuba adds chapters filled with the despair, neglect, and suffering experienced by passengers at the "La Villanueva" Waiting List Terminal in Havana, where bedbugs are rife and buses and fuel are scarce.

Independent journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada reported on his Facebook profile the alarming situation. He shared the testimony of a young woman who has been trying to return home to Santiago de Cuba for over five days and claims that the terminal has become a hell for travelers.

Facebook Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

Users of this terminal, especially those trying to travel to Santiago de Cuba and Guantánamo, face the absence of regular transportation.

The few extra buses that are made available seem to ignore these provinces, "as if they did not belong to the map of Cuba." Furthermore, the hygienic conditions of the terminal are deplorable, with infested seats, "full of bedbugs" that make the wait even more unbearable.

This situation reflects the negligence of the authorities of the Ministry of Transport and the provincial governments, who seem incapable of providing a solution to the mobility crisis on the island.

Citizens demand an immediate and effective response to put an end to this ordeal, but authorities turn a blind eye to the crisis.

Facebook Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

People in different provinces spend more than six days on the waiting lists to be able to travel to the capital to resolve personal matters, and the same happens later when returning to their places of residence.

In May, travelers from Santiago de Cuba confirmed to Mayeta that they pay up to 1,500 pesos to be placed on a clandestine waiting list that exists at the train station in order to travel.

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