The clinical condition of one of the injured in the Cienfuegos accident has worsened.

The patient whose condition worsened is reported to be in extremely critical condition.

Uno de los heridos en el accidente (Imagen de referencia) © Perlavisión
One of the injured in the accident (Reference image)Photo © Perlavisión

The clinical condition of Dionel Figueroa Calunga, the worker from the Cienfuegos cement factory who has been reported in extremely critical condition since the accident on Tuesday, has had complications in recent hours after experiencing respiratory difficulties.

The medical report released this Thursday by the telecenter Perlavisión on Facebook specifies that last night the patient, 52 years old and with burns covering 75 percent of his body, experienced respiratory difficulties, which necessitated the administration of oxygen and "monitoring with a saturation of 95 percent."

The official source, which cited the report from Dr. Pavel Noa, provincial director of Health, did not provide further details about the case.

Capture from Facebook/Perlavisión

Regarding the other three hospitalized patients: Francisco Díaz Urquiza, Hermes Rojas Campos, and Carlos Aguilar Sabina, the mentioned source indicated that they remain "unchanged."

The four patients are admitted to the Burn Unit of the Dr. Gustavo Aldereguia Lima University General Hospital in Cienfuegos.

"The reports remain, all hemodynamically stable, absence of hypovolemic shock, preserved diuresis, and afebrile. They are in the healing process," was the previous update, provided on Wednesday morning on Facebook by Armando Carranza Valladares, first secretary of the PCC in Cienfuegos.

In addition to the five injured, of which Alexei Aguilar Valdés, 53 years old, was discharged from the hospital yesterday, the unfortunate accident resulted in one death, identified as Raimundo Narciso Sarría Lavín, 61 years old, who was an employee of the Construction Engineering Company No. 6 (Ecoing-6), whose funeral was this Wednesday.

Ernesto Gálvez, the Production director of the Cienfuegos cement factory, specified in statements to the official press on the same Tuesday that the accident occurred after the collapse of a hopper, which caused a spill of very hot material, leading to serious burns for the injured.

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