They report on the clinical evolution of the five injured in a serious accident at the Cement Factory in Cuba.

Three of the injured are reported in serious condition.

Three of the five injured in the accident that occurred this Tuesday at the Cement Factory in Cienfuegos are reported to be in serious condition, according to a report from the Perlavisión telecenter.

"We received five patients, three of whom are considered 'severely burned'. We have one serious patient, one very serious patient, and one critically extreme patient because he has over 70 percent of his body burned," a doctor from the Gustavo Aldereguía Lima Provincial Hospital stated in remarks to the press.

He added that the other two patients are reported in the less severe group, and even anticipated that one of them will possibly be discharged on Wednesday. Regarding the other, he indicated that they will remain hospitalized for a few more days under observation.

"In the early hours, the essential thing is hydration, and at this moment we have all the necessary resources to take care of this type of patient without any difficulty. We have all the painkillers, all the antibiotics we have needed, as well as supplies for the treatments that have been administered," the healthcare professional pointed out.

The doctor explained that once the injured arrived at the hospital, the first thing they had to do was a deep treatment, which she described as "thorough and quick at the same time," to remove the chemical agent that caused the burns from their bodies.

"The reports remain, all hemodynamically stable, absence of hypovolemic shock, preserved diuresis, and afebrile. They are in the process of healing," updated Armando Carranza Valladares, first secretary of the PCC in Cienfuegos, on Facebook on the morning of this Wednesday.

The five injured workers are:

Dionel Figueroa Calunga, 52 years old, 70% burns, reported in critical condition. Resident of La Loma. Nuclear Central.

Francisco Díaz Urquiza, 60 years old, 24% of burns, reported as very serious. Pastorita. Cienfuegos.

Hermes Rojas Campos, 52 years old, 24% burn, reported in serious condition. Pastorita. Cienfuegos.

Carlos Aguilar Sabina, 33 years old, 12% burn, reported as less serious. Batey Guabairos. Cienfuegos.

Alexei Aguilar Valdes, 53 years old, 5% burn, reported as less severe. Batey Guabairos. Cienfuegos (Proposed to be discharged this Wednesday).

In addition to the five injured, the serious incident resulted in one fatality, identified as Raimundo Narciso Sarría Lavín, 61 years old, who was an employee of the Engineering Construction Company No. 6 (Ecoing-6), where he worked as an electrician.

Facebook Capture/Armando Carranza Valladares

A note from the official newspaper Granma indicates that the man died due to a spill of materials in one of the hoppers at the factory.

The causes of the accident at Cementos Cienfuegos S.A. are being investigated by the authorities.

Work accidents in Cuba

Deaths from work accidents in Cuba increased in the first half of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023, despite the total number of incidents decreasing by 3.8% during that same time.

Although the variation in absolute numbers was only two people - 25 fatalities this year compared to 23 in 2023 - the percentage represents an 8.7% increase.

The report titled Labor Protection. Selected Indicators, published this Monday by the National Office of Statistics and Information (ONEI), detailed that between January and June of this year, 851 work accidents were recorded, representing 34 fewer incidents than the 885 that occurred in the same period of 2023.

The sectors most affected by mortality were Transportation, Storage, and Communications with six fatalities; Agriculture, Livestock, Hunting, and Forestry with four deaths; and Manufacturing Industries, Supply of Electricity, Gas, and Water, and Trade, each with three fatalities.

The five provinces with the most work accidents were Havana (434), Holguín (75), Santiago de Cuba (57), Villa Clara (44), and Las Tunas (43).

In May, the ONEI reported that the number of workplace accidents in 2023 had decreased compared to 2022, although the number of fatalities remained unchanged.

Last year ended with a total of 1,491 workplace accidents, which represented a decrease of 10.6% compared to the previous year.

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