Cuban in Miami chooses to live in an RV to save money and buy her house: "Tomorrow this could be an efficiency."

A Cuban in Miami lives in an RV to reduce expenses, avoid high rents, and save for her future home.

A Cuban woman in Miami (@yulynunez_mentora2024) has decided to share her experience on TikTok about what it's like to live in an RV (recreational vehicle), an alternative to avoid paying high rents and save for the future in the City of the Sun. In her videos, the woman explains that she has been living in a caravan for 3 months with her family to reduce their expenses and be able to save with the goal of buying a house in the coming years.

"I live in Miami, and the rent here is very expensive. I don’t want to pay rent, so we live in an RV resort, where we only pay for the space and electricity," Yuly comments. She sees this decision as a form of "financial intelligence," explaining that instead of spending large amounts on rent, the money they save is being used to gather the necessary capital to buy their own house in the future. "Maybe in 2 to 5 years I can buy my house," she adds hopefully.

Life at the RV resort, far from being a sacrifice, is comfortable for the Cuban woman, who describes it as a place similar to camping or even a "cabin hotel." "We have common areas for fun, like picnics, barbecues, a pool, a jacuzzi, board game areas, and even mini-golf," she describes. She also mentions that the place has a store for basic necessities and a high level of cleanliness and security, surrounded by green spaces.

For her, this is a stage of "sacrifice" in the sense of living more economically, but she clarifies that it doesn't feel like a real sacrifice because they enjoy the comforts of the place. "What we were paying in rent, we reduced to half, and we only pay for the space and electricity. This works for those who buy their RV in cash," she comments, emphasizing that this alternative allows them to live much more affordably than in an apartment in Miami. "You will always pay less than half of what you pay for an apartment in Miami," she mentions.

In addition, the Cuban woman emphasizes that this lifestyle allows her to plan her future with more certainty, stating that she does not want to "live renting for 10 or 20 years and then realize that she has nothing of her own." She remembers that she had her own house in Cuba, so now she is saving to achieve that dream again in Miami. "I am living economically to have a better future," she concludes.

Additionally, he sees buying an RV as an investment for the future as well, since after buying his house he can rent it out. "Tomorrow this could be an efficiency that you can make a thousand dollars from every month. It's not about living better, it's about learning to live. I'm living frugally to have a better future. There’s no other way in Miami to earn money honestly to buy a house," says this Cuban woman.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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Izabela Pecherska

Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.