A reward of 40,000 pesos is offered for a lost mare in Guantánamo

The owner posted the announcement on social media, and most people agreed that the mare was likely slaughtered and her meat sold in the informal market.

Joven busca yegua perdida en Guantánamo © Facebook / Orlandis Sanchez
A young man is searching for a lost mare in Guantánamo.Photo © Facebook / Orlandis Sanchez

A young man offered a reward of 40,000 pesos on social media this Monday for anyone who finds and returns his lost mare in the province of Guantánamo.

Orlandis Sánchez announced in the Facebook group "Revolico Maisí" that he would offer that sum of money to anyone who returned his mare, and he shared his phone number, 54135090, for contact.

Facebook capture / Orlandis Sanchez

In the comments, many pointed out that it is likely the horse has already fallen victim to a slaughterer and its meat sold on the black market.

The economic and food crisis in Cuba has driven many people to commit illegal acts, such as the shocking sacrifice of horses.

Recently, in the municipality of Sagua de Tánamo, Holguín, a thief who attempted to steal a police officer's horse was apprehended just a few minutes later, almost in front of the station.

Facebook Capture / Hunter-Hunted

According to the Facebook profile "Cazador-Cazado," linked to the Ministry of the Interior, in that area the police station is situated next to the terminal and a location where people take advantage of the opportunity to catch rides.

In August, the police apprehended a man in the Holguin municipality of Frank País for slaughtering a horse in his living room.


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