Power outages persist in Cuba due to a significant generation deficit, with disruptions that daily exceed the forecasts of experts from the Electric Union (UNE).
If a deficit of 995 MW was estimated for Tuesday during peak hours and the actual impact reached 1022 MW, the forecast for this Wednesday of 850 MW during that period is not very reliable.
According to the UNE report, the availability of the SEN at 7:00 am was 2025 MW, with a demand of 2350 MW, and 325 MW affected by a generation capacity deficit. It is expected that during the peak hours, the impact will be greater, reaching 550 MW.

Currently, two units of the Renté and Felton thermoelectric plants are out of service. There is another block from the latter under maintenance.
On the other hand, 46 distributed generation plants are out of service due to a lack of fuel, as well as the Mobile Generation in Santiago de Cuba (GMS) and engines in the Mobile Generation of Melones (GME), resulting in a total deficit of 605 MW, 357 in distributed groups and 248 in mobile generation.
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