They prevent for the umpteenth time a family visit to the political prisoner José Daniel Ferrer.

José Daniel Ferrer's wife and two children showed up at the prison intending to see him, but they were once again denied access.

José Daniel Ferrer y Nelva Ismaray Ortega © Facebook
José Daniel Ferrer and Nelva Ismaray OrtegaPhoto © Facebook

Ana Belkis Ferrer García, sister of the Cuban political prisoner José Daniel Ferrer, reported that, once again, the regime prevented her family from visiting him in the Mar Verde prison, located in Santiago de Cuba.

Through a message on the social network Facebook, Ferrer García reported that on Friday, October 4, 2024, José Daniel's wife and two children went to the prison intending to see him, but their access was denied once again. They were only allowed to deliver a bag with food and hygiene products.

Facebook post/José Daniel Ferrer García

Since March 2023, the Castro and Díaz-Canel dictatorship has kept Ferrer away from his family, preventing his right to family and spousal visits, as well as phone calls, which has now amounted to 19 consecutive months without contact.

"JUSTICE, FREEDOM, AND LIFE FOR #SOSFerrer AND ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS! DOWN WITH THE CASTRO CANEL COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP!" expressed Ferrer García, making a call to the international community and human rights defenders.

The last family member to have access was his wife Nelva Ismarays Ortega Tamayo, who in April had to confront the penitentiary authorities to demand her right to see the political prisoner.

After several months without being able to see him, Nelva Ismaray barely enjoyed two minutes in the maximum-security prison. On Monday, July 29, the leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (Unpacu) turned 54 years old, and not even for the occasion did they grant him the rights that he is entitled to.

The leader of Unpacu was arrested on July 11, 2021, for attempting to join the popular protests of that day.

He is serving a four-year prison sentence imposed in February 2020 for the alleged crime of "injuries and deprivation of liberty" against a third party, which had been commuted to a four and a half year sentence of house arrest.

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