José Daniel Ferrer's wife reports that they have not allowed her to see him for three months.

The Cuban opposition figure has been in prison since the summer of 2021. On Monday, he turned 54 years old in the Mar Verde maximum security prison in Santiago de Cuba, but the regime did not allow his wife and children to visit him, which is why they are requesting proof of life.

Nelva Ismarays Ortega Tamayo, wife of the Cuban opposition leader José Daniel Ferrer, has not seen her husband since last April. On Monday, July 29, the leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (Unpacu) turned 54 while in the maximum-security prison Mar Verde, located in Santiago de Cuba, but once again the regime did not allow him to see his family, which is demanding proof of life.

In an audio that CiberCuba has accessed, Nelva Ortega Tamayo explains that on Monday she approached Mar Verde accompanied by the children of José Daniel Ferrer, Fátima Victoria and Daniel José, with the purpose of seeing her husband and congratulating him. "Unfortunately, once again that right was denied."

In April, the Castro authorities gave two minutes of a life confirmation for him to meet with his wife, and since then nobody has been able to see José Daniel Ferrer. On Monday, when the leader of Unpacu turned 54, the guards at Mar Verde only accepted the lunch and dessert brought by his wife and children.

"The murderous Castro-Canel-communist dictatorship remains committed, through the penitentiary authorities and the falsely called State Security, to make my husband disappear, to continue slowly killing him and burying him alive. It has not been enough for them to have him doubly kidnapped since August 2021, in that tiny punishment cell, isolated from the entire penal community, under inhumane, cruel, and degrading conditions; being a victim of mistreatment, violence, torture both physical and psychological; with poor quality food, non-drinkable water, and without dental and medical assistance despite his health issues, including those that arose in prison," says Nelva Ortega Tamayo.

The wife of the opposition leader also denounces that for a year and four months, her husband has not been allowed to make a phone call or see his children. "The last time our little Daniel José saw him was on June 22, 2023, after three months and under forced disappearance due to the statements of the great Cuban patriot Laura Jusino," she said, referring to a Cuban emigrant with contacts in Mar Verde prison, who posted a video on Facebook denouncing that Ferrer was in the hands of "hitmen" and that his whereabouts were a "state secret."

For Nelva Ortega, it is painful to see her son's reaction during each refusal, after the excitement of the moments when she prepares the "jaba." "Without a doubt, Raúl Castro and Díaz-Canel are the main responsible for the physical and psychological integrity of José Daniel Ferrer. You show every day your fear of an innocent man, a great patriot, son, father, brother, husband, friend, brave leader, determined, selfless, whom you have tortured all this time trying to break him and force him to accept exile against his will, for his unwavering dedication, for being willing to give his own life for the defense of freedom, democracy, justice, and the respect of human rights for all Cubans."

Despite the fact that the family could not see him on his birthday, Nelva Ortega wishes for his damaged health to recover and sends encouragement and strength to her husband. "We will continue to demand not only proof of life but also the restoration of his prison and human rights and, above all, his immediate and unconditional freedom."

She demands the release not only of José Daniel Ferrer but of all Cuban political prisoners. She also wishes for the fall of the Castro-communist dictatorship.

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Tania Costa

(La Habana, 1973) lives in Spain. He has directed the Spanish newspaper El Faro de Melilla and FaroTV Melilla. He was head of the Murcia edition of 20 minutos and communication advisor to the Vice Presidency of the Government of Murcia (Spain).

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