Private restaurant in Havana gives food to its neighbors due to general blackout in Cuba.

The owner of this famous private restaurant in Havana preferred to share meat and fish with his neighbors rather than let the food spoil due to poor refrigeration.

The general blackout in Cuba is leaving images of solidarity, such as the one portrayed by the private restaurant "Ley Seca" in Old Havana.

This Monday, from the Instagram profile of the famous restaurant, they shared a video to document how they delivered the leftover fish, chicken, and meat to the neighbors of their community.

"My food is not going to go to waste. You all have to eat it. Come over here and I will give you everything I have left, a little piece of ham, cheese, chicken, fish, whatever it is. I don’t want to waste it. I want you to make the most of it," said the owner of the restaurant Ley Seca.

The goal is for all the food to be used before the lack of refrigeration can spoil the items.

"Look, so you can take it to the pure one and eat at home today," said the owner of the establishment to some children passing by on the street where this well-known restaurant is located in Old Havana.

Another neighbor expressed gratitude but was worried about how he was going to cook the fish because, in addition to not having electricity, there is also no gas in Old Havana to prepare food.

Other Cuban SMEs have lowered the prices of their frozen products so that people can consume them before they spoil due to the lack of electricity and the inability to keep them refrigerated.

However, so far no state institution has had this idea. They have not lowered the prices of their products in MLC, and it is likely that tons of food are wasted due to a lack of refrigeration in Cuba, amidst an unprecedented energy crisis and food shortage in the country.

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