Pineapple Ice Cream Illustration | Photo © CiberCuba

Pineapple Ice Cream

Cooking, Desserts

Cooking, Desserts

Preparation Time:
30 min
11/2 taza de jugo de piña 1/2  taza de azúcar refino 3    cdas. de maicena 1/4  cdta. de sal 1    clara de huevo
Boil the pineapple juice and let it cool. Mix it with the cornstarch, sugar, and salt. Cook it, stirring slowly until it thickens. Allow it to cool, then place it in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator until it's thoroughly chilled. Whip it until creamy. Then, fold in the beaten egg whites until stiff peaks form. Mix gently, being careful not to overbeat. Return it to the refrigerator until it sets