Chef Iván para CiberCuba Cocina
Fried pork chunks served with onion | Photo © Chef Iván for CiberCuba Cocina

Fried Pork Chunks

Kitchen, Main course

Kitchen, Main dish

Preparation Time:
60 minutes
La receta de carne de puerco frita es muy sencilla y queda un plato delicioso que se puede servir acompañado de arroz blanco y frijoles negros. En esta ocsión el Chef Iván las presentó acompañadas de un delicioso Fufú de plátano. Esperamos que las disfrutes y si la haces en casa, no olvides compartir fotos con nosotros en nuestras redes sociales.
  • 500 grams of pork meat
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Pork lard
  • Onion

The pork is cut into pieces and seasoned with salt and pepper.

Then place it in a pot with a little water and not too hot fat. Cook it until all the juices have reduced. Preferably use medium heat until the meat is tender.

Fried Pork Chunks / Chef Iván for CiberCuba Cocina

Before removing them, increase the heat for a few minutes to ensure they brown nicely on the outside.

You can add a sour orange sauce with garlic and onion for serving the dish.

Fried pork chunks and plantain fufu / Chef Iván for CiberCuba Cocina

It's a delicious recipe.

Enjoy your meal!!
