A Cuban migrant dies in a Louisiana Detention Center

The deceased Cuban migrant had been detained for four months at the Richwood Correctional Center.

Roylán Hernández Díaz © Captura de Telemundo51
Roylán Hernández Díaz Photo © Telemundo51 Capture

This article is from 4 years ago

The Cuban guyRoylán Hernández Díaz, who was detained in theRichwood Correctional Center, in Louisiana, allegedly committed suicide this week while in a punishment cell known as “the pit,” where he had been held after going on a hunger strike.

As reportedTelemundo 51, the migrant, 43 years old and originally from Pinar del Río, had been detained for four months. He crossed the border in May of this year with his wife, and upon arriving in El Paso, Texas, the couple was detained. She was released a month later, but he was sent to Louisiana.

According to the testimony shared on Facebook by the sister of another of the inmates, the migrants were having lunch when one of the guards opened the window of the place and discovered the body of the deceased. The events occurred on Tuesday around 3 p.m. (local time).

After the mobilization of the facility authorities, the migrants, who did not know exactly what was happening, were isolated.

A group of Cubans who are detained there has released a video to show their condolences and ask for the solidarity of international human rights organizations so that the correctional centers are closed. They wonder why they are treated like criminals, and why a criminal process is applied to them without respecting the fact that many have been “kidnapped”, in some cases, for more than five months.

Another publication claims that the wife of the deceased “is totally helpless” and that she needs help.

Update:According to recent statements toCyberCubaof Liseeth Luciano, wife of one of the Cubans detained in theRichwood Correctional Center, "since last night all the detainees have been on a hunger strike" in order that "what happened is not in vain," he said, alluding to the death of Roylán Hernández.

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