Díaz-Canel says that Cuba needs to put the prices of the state sector and private businesses on equal terms

A proposal for this pricing policy will be presented, taking into account "the current conditions" of the country

Miguel Díaz-Canel y Meisi Bolaños, ministra de Finanzas y Precios © Cubadebate / Ismael Francisco
Miguel Díaz-Canel and Meisi Bolaños, Minister of Finance and Prices Photo © Cubadebate / Ismael Francisco

This article is from 4 years ago

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel assured that the country needs to move towards a pricing policy that puts the private and state sectors "on equal terms."

During a meeting at the Ministry of Finance and Prices, the leader emphasized that this will serve as a stimulus to production and export activities.

At the meeting it was said that during this year a proposal for this "more contemporary and inclusive" pricing policy will be presented, taking into account "the current conditions" of the country, highlighted theofficial sitea Cubadebate.

The island's Minister of Economy and Planning, Alejandro Gil Fernández,reiterated that 2020 "will be a year of profound transformations," and announced thatone of them will be precisely the prices.

According to Gil Fernández, the country requires a single, inclusive pricing policy. “We cannot have one policy for the state sector and another for the non-state sector,” he said.

He also defended the right of the State to "intercede" and regulate prices "in favor of the population", even though many consider it an interference.

Neither the minister nor Díaz-Canel specified how the current government will achieve this transformation of the price policy. What could be interpreted as a resource by Havana to justify its measures of "capped prices", which only affect the private sector and leaving the state sector out of the economic and financial panorama.

The latter is one of the issues that receives the most criticism from the Cuban population, dissatisfied with the prices seen in stores and for certain public services.

The Cuban Government published the list of cars it will sell starting next February 25.Among the cheapest is the MG MT that Cuba will sell at a price of 38 thousand USD, and that in a country like Chile it costs only 9 thousand USD.

Toys, household items, food or internet They have sky-high prices, something that the State never mentions and therefore only cares about the self-employed, whom it suffocates by limiting the amount of money they can obtain for a certain provision of services.

What do you think?


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Lazaro Javier Chirino

CiberCuba journalist. Graduate in Sociocultural Studies from the University of Isla de la Juventud. Presenter and journalist on radio and television

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