Minister of Transportation on "gazelle" service in Havana: "Financing in foreign currency is required"

The "gazelle" taxis in Havana have had a deficit in their services for more than 48 hours due to lack of fuel. This further collapses mobility in the capital.

Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila / Gacelas en La Habana © Facebook Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila / Naturaleza Secreta
Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila / Gazelles in Havana Photo © Facebook Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila / Secret Nature

The Minister of Transportation in Cuba, Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila, warned that the taxi service known as "gazelles" in Havana is presenting irregularities due to lack of fuel and needs financing in convertible currencies.

"It is necessary to advance in the search for financing in convertible currencies for the hiring of more vehicles of this type (preferably electric), which allow increasing the level of services on existing routes and valuing others, even in provinces," Rodríguez said on his Facebook profile.

Facebook Eduardo Rodríguez

In his opinion, the "sources of financing in convertible currencies"will allow tenants" access to spare parts, tires, batteries, lubricants and other resources, at lower prices and in national currency".

The gazelles are owned by the State but are leased to private drivers. Rodríguez's words have put Cubans on alert, due to the possible government authorization for transporters to charge some trips in foreign currency, which would further reduce access to transportation services in the capital.

The Minister of Transportation's formula recalls the words of the deceased Alejandro Gil, when he assured that the stores in MLC would generate the necessary foreign currency to acquire new products for sale in national currency, something that never materialized.

In February, the regime said that they were going to maintain fuel prices for private transporters to that they do not increase the value of the tickets. They were not told that they would not have enough fuel at the gas stations, because they are selling it in dollars.

"Although, according to the popular saying: 'What works is not touched', updates, if well thought out, can help eliminate deviations or even bring praxis closer to everyone's interests," said Rodríguez.

The minister and his team have already identified some areas in which they intend to act. Among them he mentioned:

  • The functions and obligations of traffic controllers in the piqueras
  • The general rules for queuing, and the conditions of these places for waiting.
  • Schedules, working days and prices regulated by sections
  • The profitability of the management of drivers (based on the conditions of the lease contract)
  • Disclosure and control of service procedures
  • Rigor in confronting deviations and indiscipline

"Meanwhile, we make a Calling all drivers of these means of transport, to comply with what has been established and continue the important work they do every day," said the minister.

The population in Havana faces increasing difficulties due to the reduction of the "gazelles" service, the shortage of public transport buses and high fuel prices.

Taxis Cuba reported on Friday that the gazelle fleet has reduced operations. They do not know when the service will be recovered, and they insist that the cause is the lack of fuel.

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