The United States clarifies that it exports millions of dollars in medicine and medical equipment to Cuba

“Misinformation is dangerous. Please, stop misinforming,” declared Mara Tekach, chargé d'affaires of the US Embassy in Havana.

This article is from 4 years ago

The chargé d'affaires of the United States Embassy in Havana,Mara Tekach, assured that his countryhas exported billions of dollars in medicines and medical equipment to Cuba over the last two decades.

In a brief intervention broadcast on the Embassy's social networks, Tekach specified that, despite the difficult days that are going on for everyone, there are those who "want to divide the international effort by manufacturing disinformation campaigns without sources and without attributions."

“Misinformation is dangerous. Please, stop misinforming,” he concluded, after specifying that in 2019 the United States spent millions of dollars in order to send medical equipment and medicines to Cuba.

“As the world unites in the fight against #COVID19, some seek to divide international efforts through disinformation campaigns without source or attribution. Castro's henchmen, his apologists and spokespersons, should know better #Cuba," he stated - along the same lines - Michael G. Kozak, Undersecretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs.

Kozak indicated that his government "routinely authorizes the export of humanitarian goods, agricultural products, medicines and medical equipment to support the Cuban people."

Both statements emerge as a response to the campaign of recent weeks, in which the Cuban Government has blamed Washington for slowing down - or even impeding - the ability to respond to thecoronavirus on the Island.

This includes various campaigns to ask Washington to lift theembargo on Cuba, based on the situation generated by the coronavirus pandemic. In the midst of the current epidemiological and economic context, The Cuban government also asked the UN for the end of the embargo.

A week ago, his ownKozak had already specifiedthat the sanctions against Cuba do not prevent the Government of Havana from acquiring food, medicine and other supplies necessary to combat the coronavirus.

“US sanctions on Cuba are designed to deny resources to the Castro regime,” the US diplomat wrote on Twitter on March 31.

Kozak explained that such resources were used “to control and abuse the rights of the Cuban people and interfere in countries in the region,” and added that “US sanctions do not prevent the acquisition of food, medicine and other necessary supplies.” to combat the coronavirus.”

The United States government has explained on several occasions that the measures taken against the Cuban and Venezuelan regimes are aimed particularly at the rulers of those countries, and to pressure the current leaders to leave power.

Since 2000, an exemption from the embargo approved by the United States Congress authorized the sale of food, agricultural products, medicines and medical equipment to Cuba, as long as Havana paid in advance and in cash.

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