Díaz-Canel threatens: "Let them try to bring us down to see what will happen to them"

The president assured that the revolution is very "solid" and that the people are very aware of what it would mean to lose it.

Three days after the massiveprotests that occurred in Santiago de Cuba and Bayamo, Miguel Diaz-Canel He was defiant towards the United States, which he accuses of inciting the people to take to the streets.

In an interview withNBC News, said that the US policy towards the Cuban people is "interventionist" and "contempt" and that the economic embargo is to blame for the crisis on the island, which caused the protests.

"Let them come and prove it.Let them try to take us down. They will see what will happen to them", he claimed.

The president assured that the revolution is very "solid" and that the people are very aware of what it would mean to lose it.

"We are free, sovereign and independent, and we are going to continue building our revolution, despite the intensification of the blockade, despite the fact that we have been included in a spurious list that can only be invented by a government as genocidal and as hegemonic as the government of the United States. United," he said.

In statements to Cuban television, he indicated that he will remain serene and convinced of what they are doing, and how these moments will be overcome with the support of the people.

"We are going to demonstrate once again to the empire that with talent, with the intelligence of the Cubans and our own efforts, we are also going to overcome the tightening of the blockade," he stressed.

Díaz-Canel tried to downplay the importance of Sunday's demonstrations, in which hundreds of people demanded food, electricity and freedom, and assured that they were "two or three events of protests" magnified by what he called "media intoxication."

He also compared the protests in Cuba with those of other countries and stressed that those are more severe.

"Those in the United States of this type are repressed with violence, like others in other Latin American countries. However, those in Cuba are the news, because there is a complete perversity when it comes to addressing the Cuban problem," he said. .

On Monday, the leader concluded the protests that had their origin in a Santiago neighborhood.

"The troupe of the infamous wanted to go out yesterday to dance with the pain of the Cubans. Mediocre politicians and terrorists in networks lined up from South Florida to heat up the streets of Cuba with interventionist messages and calls for chaos.They were left wanting"he wrote on his social networks.

On Sunday, hours after the outbreak, he declared that "several people have expressed their dissatisfaction with the situation of the electrical service and the distribution of food. This context is being attempted to be taken advantage of by the enemies of the Revolution, for destabilizing purposes."

He added thatalleged terrorists based in the United States encouraged protests; However, images on the Internet showed people demanding electricity and food.

"In the midst of a blockade that aims to suffocate us, we will continue working in peace to get out of this situation," he added.

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