8 mistakes from "La casa de papel" that fans do not forgive

We show you some of the most obvious errors in the famous series.

La casa de papel 4 © Instagram / La casa de papel
The paper house 4 Photo © Instagram / La casa de papel

This article is from 3 years ago

The fourth season of the series The Money Heist has left a lot to be desired. The long-awaited delivery did not meet the expectations of its loyal followers and it had some errors that they did not take long to identify and that they do not forgive, as well as a quite notable break in rhythm and credibility with respect to the previous three.

After having positioned itself as one of the most popular series on the Netflix platform and having crossed the Spanish borders to become one of the most viewed series since its premiere in 2017, the return of the famous band of vigilante thieves has not been so popular as expected.

While it is true that the production has garnered a loyal legion of followers who devoured the eight new chapters and who do not want to distance themselves from the story, the discontent has been evident on social networks and has highlighted several errors in the series, which The fans no longer forgive and here we remind you.

1. Welcome

This is perhaps the best-known error in the series, as it occurs in the first episode of the first season. The blunder in question occurs when The Professor offers the first class to the band and writes the word "Welcome" on the blackboard. The mystery comes when the handwriting of the word changes from one plane to another.

Screenshot / Money Heist

2. The chocolate cookie?

Another of the mistakes of the first season occurs when The Professor tries to poison Lisbon's mother, believing that she has discovered the plan. The lady invites him to a coffee and he puts poison in hers, which at first appears with a chocolate cookie, and when he finishes pouring the powder, it magically turns into a Maria cookie.

Screenshot / Money Heist

3. The flag of Panama

This was one of the errors that most outraged fans of Latin America, especially those of Panama, when in one of the scenes in which several flags appear, the flag of this country is placed upside down.

4. Magic underwear

When Denver takes Monica (Stockholm in the last two seasons) to one of the chambers of The Mint to take care of her gunshot wound, the actress appears in the scenes alternating white and black underwear.

Screenshot / Money Heist

5. Handcuffs open themselves

When Palermo confronts the bank's security chief, in the same scene his handcuffs appear closed and open. If you didn't notice it because of the speed of the scene, you can see it here in slow motion:

6. Good morning evening

In episode seven of the fourth season, a timing error occurs. When the colonel of the National Intelligence Center, Luis Prieto, reappears to offer the government's official version of the illegal detention of Rio to the media, the screen shows 7:45 p.m., that is, almost 8:00 a.m. of the night; However, Prieto leads his speech with a "good morning."

Screenshot / Money Heist

In addition to these errors, there are several comical notes that have also provoked ridicule from fans and generated funny memes. One of them is the scene in which they appear glued to the wall all the hostages' cell phones in the first season, cell phones that look like they came out of Prehistory!

Screenshot / Money Heist

Another scene that caused a lot of laughter was when Berlin shows a journalist the oslo body –first character to die in the series– but the actor cannot hold his breath and his robust body gives him away.

Have you noticed any of these errors?

What do you think?


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