Cuban Erick Hernández breaks his own Guinness record for ball control

The athlete from Havana surpassed his previous mark of 1 hour, 2 minutes and 5 seconds, achieved in August of last year.

Erick Hernández © Captura de video / TVC
Erick Hernandez Photo © Video capture / TVC

This article is from 3 years ago

The Cuban guy Erick Hernandez This Sunday he broke his own Guinness Record from August 2019, by dominating the ball for 1 hour, 5 minutes and 6 seconds, with his head from a sitting position, with 1 kilogram of weight on his ankles.

According to Cuban television, the Havana athlete surpassed his previous mark of 1 hour, 2 minutes and 5 seconds, reached in August of last year.

The feat took place at his house and was broadcast live on the channel Havana Sports.

His preparation, which usually consists of 10 kilometer races and sit-ups, as well as exercises to strengthen the upper and lower back, quadriceps and calves, was conditioned this time by the mandatory confinement due to the coronavirus, he declared.

"I prepared very hard after I made the first record from my house, it was tremendously difficult because when you control the ball with your head the momentum comes from your legs and since I was in a sitting position it was more difficult," he explained.

He stated that he felt elated with this achievement, although the weather was not in his favor. "The weather was rainy, it didn't help me much, but I achieved the record that was the objective," he stressed.

In August 2019, Hernández managed to control the hitting of a Telstar 18 soccer ball at the Roc Barlovento Hotel, in Varadero, in front of dozens of admirers and experts.

That time he also broke his own record, set on October 27, 2018, when he dominated the ball for 1 hour and 59 seconds in equal conditions.

Last May, Hernández set another Guinness Record in ball control, but this time he changed the modality, hitting the ball 188 times with his head for 30 seconds, in the standing position.

That achievement was also imposed in his living room due to coronavirus restrictions on the island.

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