Cuban mobile banking platform boasts one million users

The Transfermóvil payment platform has presented several technical problems this summer.

Transfermócil es la aplicación de pago más usada en la isla © ACN
Transfermócil is the most used payment application on the island Photo © ACN

This article is from 3 years ago

The Transfermóvil application surpassed one million users this month, confirming itself as the leading application in theelectronic commerce in Cuba, reported official media.

“We reached one million users before the planned date. We always estimated that we would arrive around September 15, but in August we surpassed all forecasts and grew by almost 90 thousand clients. Both the work team and I have felt great emotion because it is the result of 5 years of effort,” he declared toCubadebate Julio Antonio García Trápaga, director of Electronic Commerce of the Cuban Telecommunications monopoly (ETECSA).

According to García Trápaga, in August 16 million operations were carried out through the application.

Yris Guadalupe Garay Rodríguez, a resident of the province of Villa Clara, became, in the early hours of September 3, 2020, the “one million” user to use an application whose use has increased in a complex scenario marked by the restrictions imposed by the coronavirus pandemic.

According to ETECSA, in August more than 330,000 families paid their electricity and telephone bills through the APK.

Women surpass men in the use of Transfermóvil and represent 54.27% of the total users.

The platform is also used by people over 60 years of age, who make up 10.62% of all users (approximately 100,000 clients).

Transfermóvil is a facilitator of electronic payments for public services and also allows integration with any electronic platform that offers products. More than 30 services and functionalities are offered to users, and some discounts on paying for services electronically.

So far only Banmet and the Banco de Crédito y Comercio (Bandec) allow these operations, but the government assures that the Banco Popular de Ahorro (BPA) will also incorporate it soon.

The application developers plan to make improvements to the design and commercial image of the service in the first half of 2021.

Among the future plans is the inclusion of the Wallet, a type of virtual account, with which payments can be made within the national territory.

Transfermóvil also recently announced thatworks to enable the option to request the magnetic card in USD supported in MLC.

Despite the triumphalism of the official announcement, the popular application does not escape the service problems that characterize ETECSA's products and services. At the beginning of July, the serviceannounced that it was “confronting technical problems with intermittent operation”. Days after,temporarily suspended its services.

For the moment, the Cuban application, which aims to occupy some services carried out by the financial company of the Cimex corporation, Fincimex, allows payments for services, such as electricity, the telephone bill and the Nauta Hogar fee, the recharge of user accounts. of the Joven Club and the payment of taxes and tributes to the ONAT.

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