Decree on animal health in Cuba contemplates fines of up to 3,500 pesos and "confiscation of animals"

The Decree also contemplates the confiscation of products, the retention, deactivation or reshipment and the withdrawal of the Veterinary Health License.

Perro atendido por veterinario (imagen de referencia) © juventud Rebelde / Roberto Morejón Guerra
Dog treated by veterinarian (reference image) Photo © Rebelde youth / Roberto Morejón Guerra

This article is from 3 years ago

Cuban authorities issued adecree which contemplates infractions committed in activities related to animal health, the measures applicable to offenders and the authority empowered to impose them.

Decree 20/2020 “Contraventions of veterinary medicine” was published in the Official Gazette No. 11, on January 29, 2021 and is applicable to “national or foreign natural and legal persons and is mandatory throughout the national territory.” ”.

The document legislates aspects related to the protection of animals, but does not respond to the demand of a large part of the Cuban population who, influenced by the activism of animal activists,They demand a Decree Law on animal welfare in a country where high rates of violence against animals are reported.

Among the highlights of the rule, it is worth noting the fines that will be imposed on violators and which range from 500 to 3,500 pesos or the equivalent in convertible pesos, depending on the violation.

Likewise, the confiscation of animals and products, the retention, deactivation or reshipment and the withdrawal of the Veterinary Health License are also contemplated. The Decree also establishes the ways to resolve disagreements that may arise due to punitive actions.

Chapter II of the standard includes violations that may be subject to sanctions, among which is non-compliance with current regulations on veterinary medicine.that may cause situations of stress, physical damage or abuse that affect the health and well-being of the animals. of any kind, category or purpose.

Failure to comply with biosafety standards or the requirements demanded in the veterinary health authorization for the import or export of animals, products and raw materials of that origin, as well as the lack or expiration of the veterinary health license, will also be subject to sanctions.

As other contraventions, the Decree indicates non-compliance with state veterinary inspection in establishments producing foods of animal origin, using expired veterinary products whose use has not been authorized or does not comply with the indications of species, doses and others. approved on the label or package insert.

The transfer of animals or products of veterinary interest without the certificate issued by the authorized veterinary service also appears among the contraventions, as does failing to comply with the legal standards of food safety, storage and transportation; violate the requirements for the import or export of animals, products and raw materials of that origin; and transgress sanitary-veterinary regulations on a ship or aircraft.

Those who practice veterinary medicine without being registered in the Administrative Control of Doctors in Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics; and those who practice this profession on their own while being disqualified, will also be subject to the sanctions determined in the decree, which will come into force sixty calendar days after the date of its publication.

The imposition of fines of up to 3,500 pesos, the "confiscation of animals" and the prohibition of practicing veterinary medicine for those who are not registered in an official registry, among other measures included in the Decree,could impact the work of “animalists”, according to the opinion of people familiar with the work of these members of Cuban civil society.

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