Cuban animal activists ask Limay Blanco for help and he responds

Animal Welfare has been satisfied with the comedian's response.

Limay Blanco (i) y Feria de Bienestar Animal en La Habana (d) (Imagen de referencia) © Collage Facebook Limay Blanco - Medium/Jorge Luis Sánchez Rivera
Limay Blanco (i) and Animal Welfare Fair in Havana (d) (Reference image) Photo © Collage Facebook Limay Blanco - Medium/Jorge Luis Sánchez Rivera

The Havana subsidiary ofAnimal Welfare Cuba (BAC), a non-profit organization focused on the rescue and protection of abandoned animals, asked for help from the comedianLimay Blanco in order to try to raise money with a view to having a premises that functions as a veterinary clinic.

Before referring directly to Limay, the animal activists had asked for help to find a place in El Vedado that would not cost more than $150 and that could be converted into a veterinary clinic.

Capture of Facebook/BAC Havana

“Many people have told us and written that it is better to have our own premises to open the clinic, that is, a house... and that we should raise money for it. It would be ideal and even to have the desired refuge as well,” the entity published this Thursday, which expressed the desire to be able to reach Limay Blanco to see if it can help them raise the necessary amount.

“We have been gathering, but one drop at a time. The truth is that we see this goal as a bit difficult because most of our donors are from Cuba and a house costs thousands and thousands of pesos.”, they added.

The BAC Habana volunteers asked for media collaboration to capture the attention of the comedian with whom they had no direct contact.

“This is how everything works today...with media pressure and in the case of our community, much more so, because there are those who will say: But for the animals? With so many people without homes or places to live... but so that it doesn't stop us, here is the call for help. Tag Limay here in the comments, go to your social networks and comment too. Write to him on Messenger and Instagram. We will see how strong we are...”, they challenged.

Hours later they were happy to have received a first response from Limay, who was willing to collaborate, but asked for a month's wait to be able to solve other projects he has in hand.

"I said why are my ears ringing and look what it was. Remember that I am dealing with many cases. Right now I have a mother with two children and a grandfather sleeping in a house without a roof.Give me a month and I'll see what can be done. Remember that I depend on donations. If they donate, everything is fine, if they don't donate, nothing can be done"he concluded.

“We did it, family, because God unites his children and good people. Despite the obstacles we continue to move forward. In this project we put God at the center of its creation and recognized him in all our paths: This is the result. If God is with us, then who can be against us?”, they wrote hopefully from BAC Habana.

Capture of Facebook BAC-Havana

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