Cuban father of a child with leukemia appeals to Díaz-Canel to resolve housing

The six-year-old boy lives with his family in a house with a dirt floor and walls made of palm and pine boards with termites.

Esposa e hijos de Alian Pérez Mosqueda en la pobre casa donde viven © Alian Pérez Mosqueda/ Facebook
Wife and children of Alian Pérez Mosqueda in the poor house where they live Photo © Alian Pérez Mosqueda/ Facebook

This article is from 3 years ago

A Cuban father from Guantánamo sent a public letter to the ruler Miguel Díaz Canel Bermúdez, in which he asks for help to solve his housing problems, since one of his children, barely six years old, suffers from cancer and needs to live in a house with conditions.

Alian Pérez Mosqueda assures that he turned to social networks because he fears for the life of his son, who on June 3 was diagnosed with acute lymphoid leukemia at the Guantánamo pediatric hospital and confirmed the next day at the southern pediatric hospital in Santiago. from Cuba, where he is currently receiving chemotherapy treatment.

"I am writing to you because I have a terrible situation with my house, it has a dirt floor, walls made of palm and pine boards and the walls are infected with termites, a fibrous roof (borrowed by an aunt). I lived with my in-laws, but at During the passage of Hurricane Mathew we were affected, so the house had a partial collapse of the house and due to the overcrowding that we were left with, I found myself in the need to go to the physical planning office, where they advised me that I should make a request letter of land and that's what I did," he said.

Given the lack of responses from the corresponding organizations and seeing that the months were passing, Pérez Mosqueda decided to build a small house, since, even knowing that it was illegal to do so, he could not spend more time with his family in that situation.

"In a speech given by you, you said that those who were affected by the hurricane and had somewhere to build should do so," he reminded Díaz-Canel.

When the child's illness occurred, he went to the municipal housing department, where they told him that since he was residing in an illegal home, he had to go to physical planning and make a request for land, and if this was approved, the government would try to help you with a subsidy.

"But as we already know, subsidies take a long time to build a home, at least in this municipality," said the troubled father.

"I am not doing this because of the impact of the hurricane, I am doing it because of my son's state of health, since he cannot be in a home with these conditions, as you can understand, since in the medical summary and the ruling Because of the hospital's social service, the child must be in a home where his or her life is not in danger," he stressed.

"My wife had to ask for leave because at work, they told her that if the treatment took too long she had to ask for leave and she had to do it; we stayed longer with him hospitalized for the treatment he is undergoing than in the same house, because first "My son's health is more important than any work. I only turn to his humanity and that this case be analyzed. Please, my most sincere apologies for doing it this way, I had no other choice," he concluded.

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