Cuban government authorizes sale of beef to ranchers in emergency plan to produce food

The self-consumption of beef by producers was also approved, as long as they manage to fulfill their commitments to the State.

This article is from 2 years ago

He The Cuban government approved this Tuesday the marketing of meat from small and large livestock to agricultural producers, as part of an emerging package of 63 measures to increase critical food production in the country.

The sale of beef by ranchers, prohibited for decades, may be carried out after complying with the state order and as long as it is guaranteed that there is no decrease in the livestock mass, according to a report from the National Television News.

Small livestock producers will be able to directly market meat in the retail network of national currency and freely convertible currency.

In addition, the free sale of milk and its derivatives will be authorized based on compliance with indicators established by the livestock farm and the contracted delivery plan.

Those producers who comply with the delivery plan with 9 pesos per liter also benefit from the price of milk, while those who do not comply with the commitments will remain at 7.50 pesos.

“What we have proposed is to promote food production in the most immediate term, based on the concept of opening up everything that can benefit the producer, stimulate production, eliminate obstacles and ensure that better nutrition reaches our people,” said the Cuban ruler Miguel Diaz-Canel during a working meeting with agricultural producers, experts and scientists from different branches.

In the midst of the economic crisis aggravated by the coronavirus pandemic, 30 of the approved measures are considered priority and some of them immediate, and will focus on aspects such as deficiencies in the use of land, administrative obstacles and prohibitions, and non-payment to producers.

Among the urgent measures to increase production are also the reduction of electricity and water rates for farmers, reducing the payment for agricultural aviation services, as well as the price of national feed and geoproducts.

The second secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), José Ramón Machado Ventura, warned that rigor in the milk delivery plans had to be increased, since “a comfortable plan will be overfulfilled by everyone.”

“The plans have to be tense,” emphasized the nonagenarian communist leader.

Among the immediate decisions, the marketing of beef was authorized, as well as self-consumption by producers as long as they manage to fulfill their commitments to the State and guarantee that there is no decrease in the livestock mass.

“We are not going to talk about the long term, we do not have time for the long term,” said Díaz-Canel. “In the medium term, we must delve into a group of more complex issues to find solutions to those issues,” he added.

The package of measures will be explained in more details on Wednesday, April 14 during the space of the Round table. Likewise, this Tuesday The dismissal of the Minister of Agriculture, Gustavo Rodríguez Rollero, was announced, who will be replaced by the first vice minister of the portfolio, Ydael Jesús Pérez Brito.

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Michael Gonzalez

Cibercuba journalist. Graduated in Journalism from the University of Havana (2012). Co-founder of the independent magazine El Estornudo.

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