An elderly man died this Friday morning in a traffic accident inSanta Clara, Villa Clara, after being hit by a tourist rental car that was allegedly coming at high speed, according to reports on social networks.
A post in the Bus & Truck Accidents Facebook group stated that the elderly man was cleaning the street at the time he was hit by the vehicle.

Images shared in the aforementioned group showed the elderly man's body on the ground, covered with a tarp, as well as the vehicle, a white Hyundai with visible damage to the front.
“He knocked down a telephone pole. At the time of the photos there were still people stuck in the car. “The deceased is an old man who was cleaning the road.”, concluded the source.
Another publication - this one of a controversial nature - was made by a witness who says he heard the impact, although he did not see it.
“I did see the Hyundai. He wasn't going very fast, but he did see himself driving fast and furious in a Sub that lost the stability of anything. The crew of the car looked like Cubans and well, the grace of the speculator is going to pay off very dearly for them,” said the source, who focused on the offenders and made no reference to the deceased elderly man.
“At that moment the police were there and they took them away. Now they know well that they were unfortunate, if they are residents they are going to lose it and the work and income they can forget about it,” he added.
In the comments section, the author of the publication indicated that those who were involved in the accident gave no indication of "regret."
In the comments section of both publications, dozens of Internet users lamented the death of the elderly man and criticized the recurrence with which tourist rental vehicles are involved in car accidents throughout the country.
“Just the word high speed eliminates in me any vestige of camaraderie with the driver. The maximum penalty for anyone who takes the life of a human being due to recklessness of that nature,” said one Internet user.
“They are all the same, they rent those cars and drive at full speed as if there were no other people on the roads and that does not worry the authorities. Day by day there are more accidents involving passenger cars,” noted another.
“Many Cubans are wrong when they come to Cuba, the four pesos cannot go to your head,” stated a third.
Others focused on the poor old man's bad luck.
"As always, the poor unfortunates are the ones who pay for the stupidities of others, poor man who was just doing his job and look how it ended up because of some stupid people, let the full weight of the Law fall on them, but complete"; What a humble person doing his job, lamented two users in the group.
"Even after having done what they did, they showed no signs of repentance," said the author of the post about the people who were traveling in the damaged car.
As of the closing of this note, there are no other details about the unfortunate accident.
Road accidents of all kinds have not let up on Cuban roads since the beginning of the year, following the same trend that already marked 2023.
Last year 729 people lost their lives in Cuba as a result of traffic accidents. The authorities counted 8,556 road accidents that left 5,938 injured. The human factor was responsible for 91% of these events, the authorities said.
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