Eliécer Ávila will leave the presidency of the Somos+ organization

"I have to take off those chains, those political handcuffs," he said.

Eliécer Ávila © YouTube / Eliécer Ávila
Eliécer Ávila Photo © YouTube / Eliécer Ávila

This article is from 2 years ago

The Cuban opposition Eliécer Ávila will leave the presidency of the organization We are+, as announced in a live broadcast on his YouTube channel this week.

"I want to say today with total responsibility that until Cuba is free and there are no elections where, if I feel like it and it is my interest at that moment, I can run as an independent or with a party, "The political Eliécer is over."said the opponent.

Eliécer reported that at the end of next month there will be elections called by him to elect a new president of Somos +, "which I am going to support with all the strength of my heart, just as I am going to continue supporting the movement, but I have to take off those chains, those handcuffs."

The leader of the opposition organization, who is in the middle of a controversy with presenter Alexander Otaola, has been questioned in recent months for his reactions and responses to criticism or questions that have been made publicly.

Eliécer has been accused of not having the "mettle" to withstand criticism while having political aspirations and has been called intolerant and a dictator.

"I take off the chain of political leader because at the end of the day I am not one.", I do not hold any position, I do not have any official armored car at my service, I do not have any budget to pursue a political career, I am not participating in any elections, however, I have the hat of a politician and that "It makes me a target in the middle of the field, everyone pointing and everyone shooting, and I can't defend myself because I'm a politician.", held.

The activist pointed out that becoming a target of criticism has probably been his fault for being "the only one who has done what no one wants, which is to take responsibility for a political movement, to promote, to bring people together in a movement that one represents."

"Anyone can detach anyone, the Cuban community laughs at that, they enjoy it," questioned Eliécer. "And among those who can be disrupted is Eliécer Ávila, but if Eliécer Ávila responds to lies, falsehood and manipulation against him, "Eliécer is a dictator and a leader, because as he is a politician he cannot do anything.".

Last March, Eliécer was involved in another controversy with Los Pichy Boys and the actor Vladimir Escudero, after they used the protest in Washington organized by Somos+ as the topic of their humorous newscast.

In the current controversy with Otaola, derived from the baseball match between the Cuban and Venezuelan teams in the Pre-Olympic Tournament of the Americas, Eliécer earned the rejection of the LGBT+ community for using a derogatory, sexist and homophobic example to exemplify an extremist political position.

"There are people who are like those types of gays who, in some way, to show that they are gay, do it by being more feminine than the women themselves, you see them around Miami Beach walking as if they were chewing gum with their buttocks," was the unfortunate Avila's comment.

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