More Cuban doctors demand respect and denounce the collapse of the health system

"We want to continue saving lives. We are not to blame for the health collapse of our country," said the doctors.

This article is from 2 years ago

More than twenty doctors and nurses from Holguín denounced the unprecedented collapse of the health system in Cuba, and they rejected the official discourse that blames them for the health crisis and the population's complaints.

The doctors joined previous complaints from colleagues of the "Vladimir Illich Lenin" Provincial Hospital and demanded that the government provide them with the means to treat patients "with dignity and decorum" and protective equipment for health personnel.

"We want to continue working, we want to continue saving lives. We are not to blame for the health collapse of our country"said Dr. Daily Almaguer, resident of Angiology and Vascular Surgery.

"I strongly denounce the health collapse that the province of Holguín is experiencing. We demand that we be treated with respect and that we be provided with the appropriate means of care to be able to work," "We ask the authorities more support and fewer complaints, less complaints. We need more medications and means of protection," requested doctors Reinier Ávalos, specialist in Internal Medicine, and Jorge L. Báez, specialist in Angiology and Vascular Surgery, respectively.

Specialist doctors, nurses and residents linked to the fields of Angiology, Neurosurgery, Internal Medicine, General Medicine, Nephrology, Geriatrics and Anesthesiology of the Lucía Íñiguez Landín Surgical Clinic, COVID-19 red zone, ratified their support for the more than 20 doctors and students of Medicine and Stomatology who in a previous video demanded respect and resources, after the Cuban Prime Minister, Manuel Marrero Cruz, stated on national television that people denounce and complain more about "mistreatment and neglect of medical personnel" than the lack of medicines.

"Our health system is in true collapse, our patients need help, we need help, we do not want more people to continue dying," said Dr. Julio C. Hernández, resident of Angiology and Vascular Surgery.

The doctors demanded "that the truth be told" and that they be treated with the minimum of consideration and respect after almost two years of pandemic working tirelessly, without resources, without the necessary means of protection and without their basic needs covered.

"We demand the minimum conditions to provide care to our patients, to treat our patients with dignity and decorum, we are not responsible for the crisis of the health system," stated the Holguín doctors.

Nurse Juan M. Acosta regretted that the blame was placed on the medical staff who, with so much effort and lack of the slightest resources, "continue to give our lives for each of our patients."

The doctors and nurses denounced that the current situation in the country's hospitals and polyclinics is "unsustainable, it is sad, very sad and very painful" and that anyone who feels "committed to the oath they took should feel the same."

The shortage of medicines and medical supplies in pharmacies and hospitals has been increasing rapidly during the coronavirus pandemic. Added to this are the precarious conditions of medical facilities and health centers. In recent months, complaints have not stopped regarding the lack of sterile materials, protective equipment, gloves, medicines, PCR tests, beds available for the sick, and oxygen.

The images of people lying in the hallways of hospitals, ambulances that do not arrive and heartbreaking and desperate cries of denunciation from mothers, fathers, children, brothers, doctors, do not stop appearing on social networks.

In the face of all this crisis, the government has blamed the population of the increase in cases due to not complying with distancing measures in the terrible lines they have to wait every day to put some food on the table; to the doctors and the usual excuse of the United States embargo.

In all the provinces of the country it has been reported that the official figures of infected and deceased They are far below the real ones.

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