Cuban official press celebrates repair of the oxygen plant in Camagüey after 17 years without functioning

Government media believe that the repairs were carried out with the "desire to face the difficulties, the result of the teachings of the Commander in Chief", when the country registers dozens of deaths daily.

Planta de oxígeno de Camagüey. ©
Camagüey oxygen plant. Photo ©

This article is from 2 years ago

Cuban official media celebrated the start-up of the compressor of the oxygen plant in Camagüey, after 17 years of not operating, as a response to the health crisis due to the coronavirus pandemic, which to date has caused the death of more than 5,000 people on the island.

Several of the deaths have been attributed to the shortage of medicinal oxygen in hospitals, a situation that forced the authorities to give explanations about the coverage of the resource.

In a complex and sensitive scenario, however, the Camagüey newspaper Forward highlighted the “feat” of the workers of the Florida sorbitol plant, the only one of its kind in the country, located in said town in that province of the central Cuban region.

According to said publication, fully replicated by the portal Cubadebate, the compressor of that industry's oxygen plant had not been working for 17 years due to "technical problems."

“August 21 marked the peak moment of the work that some describe as a feat. That day, 21 cylinders of medicinal oxygen were produced, a figure that increased as the days progressed until the 24th, when they achieved 96 units with the purity levels required for human use,” the note indicates.

Likewise, it points out that the repairs were carried out with the "desire to face the difficulties, the result of the teachings of the Commander in Chief (Fidel Castro)."

The Cuban News Agency, who first revealed the information, explained that the equipment, repaired by a group of technicians and innovators from the “Argentina” mill in Florida, makes it possible to take advantage of the oxygen resulting from the process of obtaining demineralized water for the manufacture of sorbitol.

Camagüey is one of the provinces in the country with the highest incidence rate of the coronavirus. This Saturday the territory reported 477 cases of the 6,850 diagnosed throughout the country.

The government has sought alternatives in different locations to address the shortage of medicinal oxygen, after announcing that the most important production plant on the island suffered a breakage that affected the distribution of the gas.

This weekend, the authorities They were waiting for the parts to resume the operations of said plant. Recently, it was learned that Cuba had installed oxygen production plants for hospitals in cooperation with Russia, one of the main allies of the Havana regime. Moscow donated a plant with a capacity of 120 cylinders per day, which was installed at the San Antonio de los Baños air base, in Mayabeque.

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Michael Gonzalez

Cibercuba journalist. Graduated in Journalism from the University of Havana (2012). Co-founder of the independent magazine El Estornudo.

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