Willy Chirino and Leoni Torres sing together in Miami: "Two guajiros, two generations, one Cuba... Free!"

The concert held this Saturday at the Flamingo Theater demonstrated the chemistry between both musicians and composers, as could be seen in their words to the audience before singing the song “Para mi Viejo.”

Willy Cirino y Leoni Torres se abrazan durante la celebración del concierto © Facebook / Willy Chirino
Willy Cirino and Leoni Torres hug each other during the concert celebration Photo © Facebook / Willy Chirino

This article is from 2 years ago

Cuban singersWilly Chirino andLeoni Torres finallyThey sang together this Saturday in Miami, on the stage of the Flamingo Theater.

The performance demonstrated the chemistry between both musicians and composers, as could be seen in the presentation of the song “Para mi Viejo”, a moment that Chirino and Torres took advantage of to share anecdotes about their collaboration with the public.

“Two guajiros, two generations, one Cuba… free!” Willy Chirino published on his social networks, sharing an image of the two hugging on stage.

Before breaking into song “Para mi Viejo”, Chirino told how he had heard about Leoni Torres for the first time. From the day that some friends introduced him to the young singer, Chirino began to listen to him frequently on the Spotify platform.

As he said on stage, one day they told him that the singer living in Cuba was traveling through Miami. Then he called a contact of his and told him he wanted to meet him.

The musicians spoke on the phone and agreed to meet at Chirino's house,“to meet, greet and share a little while”. Shortly after being together, talking, they already noticed the chemistry between them and the topic of possible collaborations arose, among them the recording of the song “Para mi Viejo.”

In addition, they revealed that the recording of the song “Soy guajiro” was done in a hurry because Torres was traveling back to Cuba. In fact, for the video clip of the song, the musician recorded the images in Cuba.

“I admire this great artist and after knowing him even more. "On Friday and Saturday we broke the stage at La Escala and El Flamingo... Leoni!" Chirino wrote on his social networks before the concert.

For his part, Torres responded to Chirino in the comments to his publication: “The boy from Santa Cruz del Sur who listened to Willy Chirino and knew his songs. Today I fulfill one of my dreams singing with you.”

Both artists have been collaborating for some time to the delight of their followers. As a result of that combination, the song “For my old man” was born, which they dedicated to Father's Day in June.

“That Willy thought of me to record this song has a very great meaning, it is something very very special and something that I will be grateful for all my life,” said Torres after the premiere of the song in a video clip.

Chirino and Torres have expressed their mutual admiration on more than one occasion. The 74-year-old singer, based in the United States, recentlycongratulated Leoni for the nomination of his album "Alma cubana" for the Latin Grammy Awards of this year. Torres is currently aspiring to the statuette in the category of Best Traditional Tropical Album.

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