Vedado building falls apart

The building marked a milestone in the modern architecture of Havana and is currently in a deplorable physical condition with danger of collapse.

Edificio Hnas. Giralt. El Vedado, La Habana © Arquitectura Cuba / Facebook El Vedado de Siempre
Sisters Building. Giralt. Vedado, Havana Photo © Arquitectura Cuba / Facebook El Vedado de Siempre

This article is from 1 year ago

The iconicGiralt Sisters building of El Vedado, located on Calle 23, between D and E, is in a terrible state that threatens the safety of its residents with partial collapses.

In the Facebook groupThe Always Vedado, a Cuban shared images where you can see warning signs telling residents where not to stand, to avoid being hit by pieces of the building that frequently fall.

Facebook The Always Vedado

"'Waiting for the Carroza'... The Hermanas Giralt, emblematic and heritage building of Vedado, possibly the last one built in this neighborhood by capitalism, with pieces of concrete falling from 18 stories high and walls of balconies withdanger of imminent collapse on what happens," denounced Cuban Jorge Loys.

Facebook / El Vedado de Siempre

In the photos he shared, you can see deep cracks in the balconies, pieces of concrete on the floor, corroded structures, and it is noted that the building has not received maintenance for a long time.

Facebook The Always Vedado

In the comments to the publication, users pointed out that seeing the state of deterioration of El Vedado gives an idea of how the rest of the country is, since this neighborhood is one of the most modern that Havana has and concentrates the largest number of iconic buildings. of the city and probably the country.

"If a large part of El Vedado is like this, you can imagine what the other neighborhoods, municipalities and provinces of Cuba will be like," said a user on Facebook.

Facebook The Always Vedado

HeBlog Architecture Cuba explains that this iconic building in El Vedado began construction in 1958, as a project of thearchitect Oscar Fernández Tauler for the company Territorial Vazarta, S.A.

One of the collaborators who participated in the design of the building was the prominent Cuban architectMario Coyula. The building opened in 1961. The INAV, directed by Pastorita Núñez, concluded its construction process.

This famous building in El Vedado was namedGiralt Sisters in honor of the deceased Cristina Alicia Giralt and María de Lourdes Giralt, members of the Civic Resistance in Cuba during the fight against the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista. The sisters never lived in this building, they were murdered on June 15, 1958.

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Gretchen Sanchez

Branded Content Writer at CiberCuba. Doctor in Sciences from the University of Alicante and Graduate in Sociocultural Studies.

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