They ask for freedom for a Cuban who protested on San Rafael Boulevard

The influencer Saily González stated that the protester, identified on Facebook as Ktivo Disidente, was detained by the Police and has been missing since then.

Carlos Ernesto Díaz González © Facebook / Ktivo Disidente y YouTube / Camila Carballo
Carlos Ernesto Díaz González Photo © Facebook / Ktivo Dissident and YouTube / Camila Carballo

This article is from 1 year ago

Cuban activists demand the release of opposition figure Carlos Ernesto Díaz González, the man who protested alone on San Rafael Boulevard in Havana this Thursday morning.

Theinfluencer Saily González stated that the protester, identified on Facebook as Ktivo Dissident, was detained by the Police and his whereabouts are unknown.

"Ktivo Dissident is the brave man who protested this morning on San Rafael Boulevard demanding freedom for political prisoners and participation of all Cubans in the political life of the country. At this time nothing is known about him. In the video we saw how a State Security agent dressed in civilian clothes orders those who were recording to turn off their cell phones and to “get on the patrol car” to anyone who “gets annoying,” González explained.

"Kativo did not commit any crime. He exercised his legitimate right to demonstrate. Where is Ktivo?" he asked on Facebook.

Likewise, Human Rights activist Yahíma Díaz questioned where Ktivo Dissident was, and expressed that "we all saw him demonstrate only asking for freedom for political prisoners and for non-communists to be able to participate in the political life of the country. That is not a crime." .

For its part, the Idalmis Cuba profile also demanded the release of the protester, and posted a video from April 12 where he sent a message to the people, in which he said that politics has taken care of the population because they do not want to take care of it. about politic. "It is time for you to realize that you have a tremendous lack of respect, people of Cuba, with yourselves. How long are you going to allow this gang of scoundrels, abusers, thieves, how long are you going to allow them thanks. I only make a call that you have to put a stop to the situation you have," he stated on that occasion.

The actor Daniel Triana also called for the release of Díaz González, and republished thevideo of his morning protest where he said: "Freedom for the Cuban people, release of all political prisoners. 1,124 political prisoners. I am going to be the 1,125," while he was heard and filmed by a group of people.

"That has to stop, it has to stop and we, with civil society, have to stop it. There has to be no violence. There has to be no bloodshed, but they have to let us participate in the political life of the country. The "Whoever is a communist is, but whoever is not must be respected," said the opponent from a wall next to a playground on the aforementioned Boulevard, in a demonstration that reminded us of the case of the Cuban Luis Robles Elizástegui, imprisoned in that same area for raising a sign against repression.

Pedro López, from Villa Clara, a relative of the July 11 political prisoner Andy García, also questioned the arrest of the opponent and recalled that he did not vandalize or attack the "sacred and always correct forces of "order" in Cuba," while He asked for his immediate release. "What he did is completely legal, protected by your Constitution, not mine, and yet you violate FREEDOM NOW!!," he stressed.

On December 4, 2020, San Rafael Boulevard was the scene of the solo protest carried out by the young manRobles Elizástigui, who demonstrated with a sign demanding the end of repression and the release of Denis Solís, a rapper who had been imprisoned after a summary trial less than a month before.

The 29-year-old, declared a prisoner of conscience by the NGO Prisoners Defenders in January 2021, was sentenced to five years in prison at the end of March of this year. During his confinement in the Combinado del Este, Robles has suffered repeated isolation in punishment cells, humiliation and violence, in addition to being denied changes of measure on up to four occasions, his relatives have denounced.

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