There will be a lack of water for 12 hours in three municipalities of Havana

The interruption of the aqueduct service will occur next Thursday, between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., in areas of the capital municipalities of Arroyo Naranjo, Boyeros and 10 de Octubre.

Trabajos de Aguas de La Habana (imagen de referencia) © Facebook / Aguas de La Habana
Havana Water Works (reference image) Photo © Facebook / Aguas de La Habana

This article is from 1 year ago

The Aguas de La Habana Company reported that next Thursday there will be a lack of water for 12 hours in areas of the capital's municipalities of Orange Creek, Boyeros andOctober 10th.

The interruption of the aqueduct service will be between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., “due to maintenance and repair work on the conductors and power lines that feed the Paso Seco supply sources,” according to the state entity.

The information note from Aguas de La Habana states that in the municipalityOrange Creek The Poey, La Solita, Mantilla, Callejas, Capri, Ponce, Alcázar, lower part of Párraga, Las Delicias, El Moro, Víbora Park and Julio Trigo Hospital will be without water service.

Residents in the districts of El Globo, Militar, El Roble, Julio Trigo, Parajón, El Trigal, Las Cañas, García, El Cuervo, El Trébol, Hospital Nacional, Hospital William Soler and part of La Fortuna, all of the municipalityBoyeros, they will not have water during that period either.

Meanwhile, inOctober 10th part of the Acosta Council will be left without water.

The note from the state company adds that “once these maintenance works are completed, the service will be restored gradually, at its normal hours.”

Water outages are already common in the Cuban capital, whether due to maintenance issues, breakages or due to the effects of the drought.

Last JanuaryThe reservoirs that contribute to the aqueduct system in this western province were at less than half their capacity of storage, so a semester with low water availability was forecast.

In February it emerged that more than7,000 Havana residents still received drinking water through pipes, a figure that may have increased, since at the beginning of April, the Provincial Government of Havana reported that there would be cuts in the water supply due to the drought that affects all regions of the country.

Recently, authorities confirmed thatMore than 100 thousand people in Havana have problems with the water supply due to the drought, a figure that represents 5% of the residents registered in the province.

In all the country,more than 400 thousand Cubans are affected by the water supply situation, as a consequence of the current drought, whichhas limited the operation of 360 pumping stations.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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