Cacerolazos against the blackouts in Cuba

The protests were documented in Holguín, Granma, Cienfuegos and Pinar del Río.

This article is from 1 year ago

Cubans from at least five locations staged several banging pots and pans this Tuesday night against the blackouts, according to images released by social media users.

The protests were documented in Holguín, Granma, Cienfuegos and Pinar del Río, although other sources indicated that there were also banging pots and pans in Sancti Spíritus, Mayabeque and Matanzas, but this information could not be independently verified by CyberCuba.

In the Flora neighborhood, in the Antilla municipality, Holguín, residents came out to sound pots and pans as a method of peaceful protest against the Cuban authorities who do not solve the blackouts.

"Turn on the current" was the main demand shouted by the residents of that town in eastern Cuba, which has a population of approximately 800 inhabitants.

Laydian López, a resident of the neighborhood, assured that the neighbors came out to protest because they had been without electricity for nine and a half hours.

Another demonstration was recorded in Mabay, a town that belongs to the municipality of Bayamo with more than 8,000 inhabitants, where they took to the streets to protest against the electricity cuts.

"A people, united, will never be defeated" and "We want current," the neighbors shouted in the middle of the darkness, to demonstrate their disagreement.

Edilberto Arias, the author of the video that documented the protests in that town of Granma, assured that people gathered on the town's promenade.

Although the darkness does not allow us to know how many people gathered, the intensity of the voices may suggest that it is a representative number of dissatisfied neighbors.

In the Pinar del Río municipality of Consolación del Sur, with more than 88,000 inhabitants, there were also protests over the blackouts and the sound of banging pots was felt in that town.

During the protests, they restored electricity service, which generated joy among the neighbors, according to the videos that were disseminated on social networks.

The residents of the Caunao Sur town, in Cienfuegos, also came out to protest, said Cuban journalist Mario J. Pentón.

This small town in the west of the island has been denouncing for years the problems suffered by its residents, who live in buildings without conditions and have difficulties in obtaining drinking water and food supplies.

In the Tulipán neighborhood, also in Cienfuegos, there were peaceful protests by the population, who asked for the restoration of electrical service.

Residents shouted "Turn on the power, damn!", a phrase that has become popular in recent months every time there is a protest against the government due to incessant power outages.

Cuban protests against blackouts are increasingly common and they reflect popular discontent with the government, which is not capable of definitively solving the problem of thermoelectric plants or energy generation.

President Miguel Díaz-Canel asked the population not to protest the blackouts arguing that his administration is doing all possible to solve the crisis, although he assured that he will not have good news immediately.

The boredom of the population, which suffers from a lack of food, drinking water, medicine and now blackouts, led to 263 peaceful protests being registered last July, according to the Cuban Conflict Observatory.

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