Police beat girls during anti-government protest in Nuevitas

“They were a bunch of police. My friend and I were hugging, and a group of police fell on top of us and hit us. A fat guy there was the one who hit me hard,” said one of the girls beaten by the uniformed men.

This article is from 1 year ago

At least two girls were beaten by police and other uniformed officers during the second night of protests in Nuevitas, Camagüey, as reported by those affected in a video broadcast on social networks.

For the second consecutive night, the residents of Nuevitas took to the streets to demand an end to the prolonged and frequent blackouts they have suffered for weeks. However, unlike the first protest, On this occasion the regime responded with police brutality.

Two minors, one of them 11 years old, were beaten during the police action. According to their testimony, the police had no qualms about hitting them and struggling with them until they got rid of a man - apparently the father of one of them - whom the repressors violently detained and took to the police station.

“They hit me here [leg], here [waist], I turned around later and they hit me here [back],” said one of the girls interviewed by the user of Facebook identified as ‘LaChamaca DeChamaco Yaestaostinada’.

Another stated that she responded to the aggression of the uniformed men, who mounted a police deployment with the presence of paramilitaries dressed in civilian clothes, State Security agents, soldiers and members of the National Revolutionary Police (PNR).

“I took it and hit it, because they hit me, and I fell and they 'got' me too. They 'put me in' here (back), through my feet," said the second girl interviewed a few minutes after the police raid was broadcast, vehemently denounced by the Facebook user, who had the courage to record the violent scenes and confront and denounce the repressors.

“Don't stand there and watch, join together!” cried the reporter in response to the passivity of the neighbors who witnessed the police attack. As heard in the video, some of those present denounce police arbitrariness, since the detainee “had not done anything.”

“We were walking [at the protest] and the police came down with a bunch of people there… There were motors… They caught X… My cousin and I were there… I was holding on to my dad and so was she… So, to take prisoner The police had to give my father to us,” said both minors.

The images of the repression, the screams of protest from the minors and the testimony they gave a few minutes later are chilling and eloquent of the level of nervousness of the authorities in the face of the protests that occur daily in Cuba; a fear that leads them to want to silence the people with more iron fists and repression.

“They were a bunch of police. My friend and I were hugging, and a group of police fell on top of us and hit us. A fat one there was the one who hit me hard,” said one of the girls beaten by the uniformed men of the Cuban regime.

“Look, my toes are full of blood,” one of them showed. “He hit me here [ribs] and grabbed me by the neck,” said the other, showing the camera the bruises that the police action had caused.

This Thursday, residents of the Pastelillo neighborhood of the Nuevitas municipality, in Camagüey They staged a protest on Thursday night during a blackout. After the protests, On Friday morning, local authorities organized an act of "revolutionary reaffirmation".

The official masquerade was of little use, because this Friday the people of Nuevite returned to the streets to once again demand “Freedom” and ask for an end to the blackouts that affect them to the rhythm of the conga "Ponga la current pinga."

The police repression was broadcast live on social networks. Reports indicate that the altercations occurred around two in the morning, Cuban time, but the demonstration began on the night of August 19.

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