Official press charges against actor Ulyk Anello: “He went to Cancun without his daughters”

In collusion with State Security, journalist Arleen Rodríguez Derivet participated in the discredit strategy against the actor, ensuring that he had left the country, leaving his family behind.

El actor Ulyk Anello en el aeropuerto José Martí © Facebook / Guerrero Cubano
Actor Ulyk Anello at the José Martí airport Photo © Facebook / Guerrero Cubano

This article is from 1 year ago

The Cuban official press attacked the actor this WednesdayUlyk Ring, whom he accused of abandoning the country and his family after his statements criticizing the rulerMiguel Diaz-Canel and the Cuban regime.

In collusion with State Security, which exhibited recent photographs of the actor at the José Martí international airport in Havana, the journalist fromCubadebate Arleen Rodríguez Derivet He participated in the discredit strategy against the actor, ensuring that he had left the country, leaving his family behind.

“According to the Cuban Warrior, who knows everything, he was going to Cancun, where he usually goes.And, interesting fact: he did not take his daughters, on behalf of which he asked the president to resign if they did not put the light on him,” said Rodríguez Derivet.

Using a well-known troll of the regime as a source, the host of the Cuban television program "Mesa Redonda" attacked the actor who recently exploded in a direct andHe called for the resignation of Díaz-Canel and assured that the Cuban communist system “does not work”.

During the total blackout that Cuba experienced after the passage of Hurricane Ian, to which the authorities blamed the blackouts of more than 120 consecutive hours that some localities in the country suffered, Anello gave vent to his indignation with the situation.

"How long is your lack of respect going to last, so much blah blah blah, my brother, it doesn't work. Resign, go to hell, hand this over," said the actor in a live interview in which he denounced that the food her children were being spoiled by the blackout.

According to Rodríguez Derivet, these types of claims are unacceptable. For the spokesperson of the regime, “he who launches offenses without reason, rudeness without limits, accusations without arguments and absurd demands” is not protected by the right to freedom of expression.

For the journalist, the only valid way to complain in Cuba is to go “to the authorities to ask for an explanation because they feel that the management has failed.” Asking these authorities to pick up and leave alone the country that they have subjected for more than sixty years is “unacceptable.”

Claims “like that of the actor who screamed, insulted, asked the president to resign” are not acceptable and those who make them deserve to lose their rights to privacy, self-image and freedom of expression, among others. They deserve to be defamed and exposed to “the people” as enemies, even accepting information from the MININT to attack and delegitimize their claims.

After three days without electricity in his house, the actor assured in his live broadcast that he would bring the rotten food to the doors of the Council of State. "You don't play with my children's food. I'm going to be the little toe that screws with your shoe... Just leave now!" he told Díaz-Canel.

“Since no one [stopped him], he went to the airport and from there who knows where,” said the journalist, using information passed on by State Security. According to Rodríguez Derivet, demonstrations of fatigue like those of Anello are part of “the strategy to take people to the streets, generate indiscipline, hinder recovery actions and increase the campaign to discredit the leadership of the Revolution.

Screenshot Facebook / Cuban Warrior

“This 'sore father' did not go out to pick up fallen trees, but he did go out to talk trash on the internet, he just left for Mexico with a ticket bought days ago. He said he did not have food or money for his daughters, whom he left here in 'dictatorship'. “That's how they are, textbook worms,” he said in a post onFacebook the regime trollCuban Warrior, posting images of the actor at the airport, taken by State Security.

In her umpteenth example of servility to the totalitarian regime, the official journalist took advantage of the public media that all Cubans pay for to sow hatred and division among them, for the greater glory of the so-called “revolution.”

As if that were not enough abjection, Rodríguez Derivet went beyond her role as an official journalist and in a threatening tone set herself up as guardian of the law. "Until now, the Revolution has respected the complaint and has rectified what was wrong, but the law exists: in times of emergency you cannot play with the internal order of a country."

What do you think?


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Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.

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