Insecticide and fuel shortages aggravate dengue situation in Guantánamo

The territories of Baracoa, Guantánamo, El Salvador and San Antonio del Sur present the most complex scenario.

This article is from 1 year ago

The situation ofdengue fever in Guantánamo It has been aggravated by the shortage of insecticide and fuel, according to official media.

“At the end of week 40, it ended up being the province with the highest incidence of dengue in the national territory,” he told the local telecenter.Solvision Leonel Heredia Carpintru, Deputy Director of Epidemiology of the Provincial Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology.

The territories ofBaracoa, Guantánamo, El Salvador and San Antonio del Sur present the most complex situation, said the specialist, who warned that the majority of the outbreaks continue to be inside the houses or in the vicinity of the homes.

“Despite the limitations that the Ministry of Public Health [MINSAP] has on fuel and insecticide, we still continue working,” said Heredia.

According to his explanation, the country is currently in “the most dangerous stage” because the months of September and October are the months with the highest infestation rate due to increased rainfall and high temperatures.

Although they face a great crisis of adulticidal treatment - popularly known as fumigation -, scarce resources are allocated to the highest risk areas, he assured.

“We want to call on the population, first for family self-focus because in the midst of limitations it is vital to avoid breeding sites,” said the official, insisting on the importance of health personnel and the family being able to quickly identify the symptoms of dengue. .

At the beginning of this month, Guantánamo was reported as the province of Cuba with the highest number of reactive cases to dengue.

At the end of September, that eastern province reported the highest number of sick patients, especially in the municipalities of Baracoa and El Salvador.

The infestation ratesof the mosquitoTemples of the Egyptians continue to increase in the country.

At the end of week 40, it remained dengue transmission in 5 provinces, 44 municipalities, and 62 health areas. According to the Minister of Public Health, José Ángel Portal Miranda, the provinces with rates higher than the national rate are, in descending order, Guantánamo, Santiago de Cuba, Sancti Spíritus, Camagüey, Havana, and Las Tunas.

Health authorities have predicted adengue surge for October and Novemberbased on the assessment of current data on the behavior of the disease in the absence of an effective response to the epidemiological situation.

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