Late Castroism has once again confirmed its weakness and incoherence, pulling the strings of subordinate justice, so that a court of first instance can gently lead the troubadourFernando Becquer, in exchange for his continued and loyal submission; He will not be the last nor the first, in that long ignominious list, headed by Miguel Barnet, who from a runaway degenerated into an impulsive guataca.
The concealment of the sentence, suicidally supported by the victims and the commission of socialist feminist enthusiasm, has provoked up to three interpretations of the sentence: a) Correctional work without confinement, b) House confinement and c) Commutation of the prison sentence to a substitute measure for deprivation of liberty.
The communist party still has room to soften the sentence because it is appealable and, if necessary, Roberto Morales Ojeda will ask his secretary to call Rubén Remigio Ferro, to dictate the final ruling by telephone, although he will not be able to free the harasser of women. including minors, of the condemnation of sensible and noble Cubans, who are the majority.
La Magdalena must not be happy because the loquacious and combative Mariela Castro Espín remains silent in the face of the penultimate outrage of the oldest dictatorship in the West; in a clear sign of discomfort or simulation in the face of his father's help; perpetrators of filth.
The general secretary of the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC), who is a member of the Political Bureau, limited herself to tweeting that they will "accompany" the victims if they decide to appeal. It would be useful for those attacked to tell what support they have received from the women's organization in their journey to the court that tried the events, whose members are also unknown.
The olive green and guayaberada caste is so weak that it does not dare to touch one of its few faithful, much less to provoke creators and artists; taking into account the limited national and international echo of the failed letter invented by Barnet, as a posthumous service to the dominant males.
Silvio Rodríguez, who will die as a Fidelist, did not sign the letter, Pedro Luis Ferrer left the UNEAC and Eduardo del Llano, among others, did not sign the text either, backed only by the irrelevance and stupidity of the so-called Cuban intellectuality that - with the urgency to serve their masters - included a deceased among the signatories and elderly people who may never know that their names appear on the blot.
Bécquer will not be the first nor the last forgiven by the generosity of the revolution that - after many years of crime and punishment - excused the rats that did not leave the boat and bought them with 100 CUC per month, useless charges, trips abroad and permits two years to live outside, automatically renewable; upon payment and gifts for UNEAC tour operators; as long as the worm does not renounce his unwavering faith in the dark passion.
Bécquer's victims should not settle for the rulings of the late Castro courts and spread the scandal to the four winds; choosing the most sensible and appropriate international forums to expose the scandal, maintaining a prudent equidistance from worms and rosy Gramscians who - to port and starboard - in their manipulative hijeputation, spread the enemy rumor that the defense of women's rights is the heritage of left and they make an effort not to allude to the sexist crimes of Castroism and its epilogue.
Citizen rights are the heritage of democracy, the incorporation of women into the workforce was a triumph of capitalism, which needs two salaries per family to cover housing and consumption; and not Marxist heroines, as idiots in the pay of evil repeat; ignoring that democratic institutions, the technological revolution of capital and free trade have done more for gender equality than predatory communism.
Unfortunately, the crime of the troubadour is not an exception in Cuban society, with a long sexist and homophobic tradition; crimes exacerbated by Castroism, a white and exclusive power; when Raúl Castro ordered the transfer of the Fidelistas to the ECOTRA (Consolidated Company of Other Revolutionary Tasks); To cleanse the commander-in-chief's nostalgic apparatus, he verified that - with some exceptions - the thunderers were married to women the age of his own granddaughters; as corresponded to the liturgy of Ladas blue minister with three antennas and mansions in frozen areas.
Thepapirrico Contemporaries are a mosaic made up of a portion of leaders, some emigrants, part of the new rich and foreigners in search of cheap fresh meat; They believe that they have the right to stay because in the current Cuban famine and darkness, a piece of bread and a candle are symbols of opulence.
Poor devils those current mayimbes; pity for the new rich and foreigners!; deprived of the tenderness of the game of seduction and ignorant that a woman and a man only truly give themselves and give their best when they are free, and feel respected and loved by a fellow human being; the rest are nods to survival.
Cuba has enormous social debts and the most effective way to pay them off is full democracy, market freedom and recognition of the female vanguard role in a ruined and dependent society; The Bécquer case will only be worth it if it opens a national debate, including the democratic opposition and emigrants, to definitively protect our women - including adolescents and girls - from the sinister holocaust, almost silenced, that attacks them daily; since many years.
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