At least two dead due to shipwreck in Artemisa

At the moment, the causes that caused the shipwreck and other details related to this new attempt to illegally leave the country that ended in tragedy are unknown.

Leonardo Barreto, alias El Peleco, y El Tati, presuntamente fallecidos en naufragio © Facebook / Bbecitah Chirino
Leonardo Barreto, alias El Peleco, and El Tati, presumably deceased in a shipwreck Photo © Facebook / Bbecitah Chirino

This article is from 1 year ago

At least two Cubans would have died in the shipwreck of a boat transporting twenty irregular migrants from the province of Artemisa to the United States, according to social networks.

“They tell me about a boat from the Rastro with more than 20 people who, as they informed me, all drowned. “Someone confirm for me please,” warned a user of the Facebook group.'Revolico Artemisa'.

Screenshot Facebook / Revolico Artemisa

Several users commented on the post,unofficially confirming the death of at least two people. CyberCuba contacted those sources, but so far no response has been received.

“Unfortunately, life is true. There were two drowned,El Peleco and El Tati. The latter was my cousin. Beautiful person, may God bless him. EPD,” indicated the user identified as Lisbet Seba.

Another user, identified as Aleagna Falcón Núñez, corroborated the above, also regretting the death of a family member between the two deceased. “So far there are only two deaths and one of them was my brother-in-law (El Peleco),” he indicated.

Neighbors of the Rastro identified El Peleco asLeonardo Barreto,a musician who “sang and was a barber.” At the moment, the identity of the individual identified as El Tati, the second alleged victim of the incident, is unknown.

El Rastro is a neighborhood in Artemisa, a municipality with 85,2891 inhabitants according to 2017 data. The capital city and municipality of Artemisa bear the same name as the province, located southwest of Havana.

At the moment, the identity of the individual identified as El Tati, the second alleged victim of the incident, is unknown.

Screenshot Facebook / Revolico Artemisa

Comments from other usersThey warn of the possibility that the number of deaths will increase. At the moment, the causes that caused the shipwreck to sink are unknown, nor are other details related to this new attempt to illegally leave the country that ends in tragedy.

“It's not a lie, because the funeral home is full of people right now because of the incident”; “Yes friend, sad, but right now one of them is lying in the funeral home here”; "How sad! There are already two in the funeral home”; “So far there are two drowned people, my neighbors,” others commented.

Apparently, from the comments, the man identified as El Peleco was a barber in Artemisa. “He was a barber at the corner of the wood well. Artemisa knew him completely because he was a musician, and he was also a good kid and friend. May God have him in glory,” said Adrián Urra Rodríguez.

The event occurs a few days aftersinking of a boat with 23 migrants on board in the vicinity of Bahía Honda, which caused the death of seven people, including a two-year-old girl, after being hit by a border guard boat, according to testimonies from survivors and relatives of the victims.

The incident happened days beforethe visit to Havana of two high-ranking officials of the Biden administration who traveled to discuss immigration issues with the Cuban authorities.

Pure Bitter, Undersecretary of Consular Affairs of the Department of State, andUr Mendoza Jaddou, director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), discussed with representatives of the Cuban government about the full resumption of immigrant visa processing, according to the State Department in a statement.

They also addressed the recent resumption of visa processingparole of family reunification at the United States Embassy in Havana, in addition to the release of political prisoners and the end of the regime's repression of activists and opponents.

The trip to Havana of both officials occurred in the midst of the Cuban immigration crisis, just when the United States faces the largest exodus of Cubans arriving in its territory:nearly 225,000 in fiscal year 2022.

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