Cuban government fails to comply with housing construction plan for 2022

At the end of October, 16,985 houses had been completed, 76% of what was planned for the date.

Casas construidas en Cuba para vecinos de El Fanguito © Ismael Francisco / Cubadebate
Houses built in Cuba for residents of El Fanguito Photo © Ismael Francisco / Cubadebate

This article is from 1 year ago

The Cuban government failed to comply by almost 35% with its housing construction plan for 2022, despite the fact that itsHousing debt with the population rose to 862,879 houses in 2021.

the vice presidentSalvador Valdes Mesa acknowledged that "delays are accumulating with respect to the number of properties planned for this year," since "at the end of October16,985 houses had been completed, 76% of what was planned for the date," the official portal quotedCubadebate.

From the state plan, the greatest delays are in the homes intended forvulnerable people who received subsidies, and in those who rise by their own efforts, he explained.

The official stated that the main problem is the shortage ofConstruction materials and called on local governments to prioritize their production.

"The territories have to provide solutions, which there are, and they do not. This war is won in the territories, but the territories do not react," the first vice president added in this regard.Manuel Marrero Cruz.

He said demand for housing "is growing" in the country – which has recently been affected by floods, hurricanes and fires – "and we have not been able to respond to that demand".

The housing debt of the Cuban regime continues to accumulate year after year.In 2021, the government failed to comply with the house delivery plan by more than 40%, but instead of resolving the noncompliance with more construction, it simply reduced its goals for the following year, and also failed to meet them.

Yes okThe 18,645 homes completed in 2021 represented 58% of the annual plan, the16,985 houses in 2022 represent 76% of the projection.

At the end of the first half of the year in Cuba they were built and received the status of "habitable"11,997 homes, which represent just a33% of the planned annual plan.

The General Directorate of Housing presented a report to the deputies in the Industry, Energy and Construction Commission on compliance with the plan until June 2022, where it recognized the delays.

The situation worsened even more after Hurricane Ian last September left more than102,527 homes affected only in Pinar del Río.

In August the housing situation was already quite precarious in that Cuban province, where the construction plan for the first half of 2022was breached by almost 50%, afterOf 364 planned buildings, 152 will remain unfinished.

Before the passage of Hurricane Ian, in Pinar del Río a total of6,347 families had been waiting for twenty years for a new house; after having lost theirs during weather events.

Last January, the Cuban government recognized that in 2021, 89,496 homes withdirt floors, some 8,907 quarters and 48,293 homes affected by weather events, of which 66% are total collapses, according to official data.

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