Díaz-Canel calls on construction workers to “build with beauty and harmony” in Cuba

“The issue is not just building housing and granting it. "If you are given a poorly built home, one of those that after three months the repellent begins to fall off, the window rots or the slats come loose, or it leaks... what we create is more of a problem," he said. the governor.

The governorMiguel Diaz-Canel He called on leaders and workers in the construction sector to “build with beauty and harmony” in Cuba.

Present at the annual balance meeting of the Ministry of Construction (MICONS), together with the prime ministerManuel Marrero Cruz (fish tank inaugurator) and the commanderRamiro Valdés Menéndez (national cement and rebar accountant), also the first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) expressed his penultimate naiveté without any embarrassment.

“He called on the country's builders to build with quality,” highlighted areport of theNational Television News (NTV), in which nothing appeared except the faces of the leaders and the submissive and idolatrous interventions of the MICONS directors.

According to himNTV, Marrero Cruz called to revolutionize the local construction materials industry and called for a solution to the problem in the municipalities. This is a “decentralization policy” carried out by the Cuban regime, which maintains central control of resources, buttransfers the responsibility for efficient management to local entities, impoverished and decapitalized by the regime itself.

“What did we say in the Assembly at the end? The safest resources we can have are those we are capable of producing. And in this matter of housing, the safest solution we have is the one that is achieved down there in the municipality,” said the prime minister.

For his part, Díaz-Canel recognized “the dissatisfaction that the issue [of construction] causes in the town.” In this context, he called to solve the housing problem that has plagued the Cuban population for decades.But he insisted on solving it with “quality”.

“The issue is not just building housing and granting it. "If you are given a poorly built home, one of those that after three months the repellent begins to fall off, the window rots or the slats come loose, or it leaks... what we create is more of a problem," he said. the governor.

In that sense, he called for “quality control and that the resources we have available for housing be used well, and that we make quality homes.”

"We are in a very revolutionary sector, but in addition to being revolutionary, president, commander, very humble and with the conviction - and I said that I did not want to get emotional - thatSocialism is the only one that will give us the possibility of getting out of this whole situation., that it is the Party that will continue to be the ruler of our society, with that working class in power; and that story [pointing to Valdéz Menéndez] that we see there reflected in your continuity,” he expressed moved.Misael Rodríguez Llanes, General Secretary of the National Union of Construction Workers.

He said nothingthe cucarachero of Cuban Television of the price of cement that Cubans pay (more than 2,000 CUP per bag, in a country with the minimum wage set at 2,100 CUP). He also did not mention howThe famous “vocational schools” collapse while Cubans die trying to get rods and other construction materials out of them.

The official press report did not allude to thedeterioration of the majority of public infrastructure built by the so-called “revolution”, nor did he offer data on thehousing deficit of the country, or the constant collapses that occur in Central Havana and other locations while huge hotels are being built in Vedado and the entire Island.

But the message was not missing that "socialism is the only one that will give us the possibility of getting out of this whole situation." Pay attention to what is said:The deposed Minister of Economy, Alejandro Gil Fernández, said something similar., of which it is not known what "other tasks" he was assigned to "continue doing for Cuba."

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