Creole pigs and rustic chickens as a solution to the lack of food in Holguín

Dark-coated pigs are disease resistant and consumers of alternative feeds.

Gallinas cubanas © Juventud Rebelde
Cuban chickens Photo © Juventud Rebelde

This article is from 1 year ago

Producers ofHolguinthey resort tobreeding of Creole pigs and rustic chickens as a solution to the lack of food in the country.

In the Rafael Freyre production unit, more than 60 dark-coated pigs have been obtained from 10 breeders sent from Mayabeque and three pure Creole stallions, since they do not entail import costs because they are fed with cassava and "protein" plants, it emerged in a note. from the official mediaRebel Youth.

This variety of pigs,resistant to diseases and consumers of alternative products, They contribute to local self-sufficiency in the midst of the food crisis that the country is experiencing, since these species are sold to farmers and individuals.

“Since November we started sales of the dark coated ones. Here we take advantage of the 20 hectares of land destined for various crops. We feed them with cassava and protein plants (100 percent of the adult mass consumes a kilo of these daily),” the note clarified.

In that town they aspire to reach 80 breeding pigs with the construction of rustic pens since these pigs do not require specialized areas and adapt to spaces of all types.

They also resort to raisingsemi-rustic chickens (a “refined” cross between the Creole and the Rhode Island Red, an American domestic chicken), which are fed with cane, cassava and ground millet and are provided with feed completely prepared at the Camilo Cienfuegos unit.

Previously, the gallina Leghorn, “which provides the commercial or white egg and is used conventionally because it easily converts the food, but it requires many nutritional requirements, fromimported raw materials", indicated the text.

On the other hand, the semi-rustic ones, also called “sierritas”, although they lay eggs with less intensity,They accept alternative foods (herbs, insects, mineral matter and other foods such as leucaena, pigeon peas and soybeans, corn).

“What you want isget eggs "from raising them in different spaces, appealing to available foods," the text noted, adding that its potential is 190 eggs per year and in patio conditions it provides about 140.

Besides,their meat would also be marketed because they weigh about two kilos, with enough food and in adulthood, therefore, they are more productive than the typical peasant chicken, the official media insisted.

In a context where meat production has decreased considerably, the implementation of these alternatives to dark-coated pork and semi-rustic chickens would be the only possible alternative for the acquisition of meat products since they are varieties that do not require imported food.

In several territories wherepig productionwas placed below the plan, the choice was made for Creole pigs that can roam freely in the countryside and be fed with local ingredients.

He toorustic chicken grazings has constituted the solution for the shortage of eggs and meat. Their diet based on sorghum, mulberry, sunflower, guava, among other plants, makes it easy to raise these birds to try to save theegg deficiency on the island.

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